The Inconvenient Truth is a film by the United States former vice president Al Gore whose aim was to educate people on the global warming. He focuses on the leading causes of global warming where he cites the use of coal in industries as the primary cause. He also shows the effects of global warming. The results of global warming include a decline in snow and ice levels in many parts of the world and frequent natural disasters such as floods, storms, fire, and drought. The movie also shows that effects of global warming can be reduced by use of renewable energy such as solar energy and wind energy. Gore remains optimistic that the impact of global warming can be reversed if people change their daily behaviors and use of clean energy and plant more vegetation to take up the released carbon dioxide.
People Involved
Global warming is human initiated. Today almost the activities carried out by man leads to the release of greenhouse gases. Combustion of fossil fuels, burning of forests and vegetation during cultivation leads to the release of gases that are responsible for global warming. Everybody is in one way or another responsible for the current raising global temperature. Thus it's the responsibility of everyone to ensure that they use a sustainable form of energy and to practice agricultural methods that are environmentally friendly.
Ideas, Things, and Problems Presented in the Documentary
The documentary focuses on the global warming. Global warming refers to the rise in temperatures on the planet. It is caused by the presence of excess carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. This gas forms a layer that traps heat and warms the globe. Most of the human activities today results in the release of gases that aggravate global warming. Temperatures recording for both the land and the oceans have been captured since 1880, and they have been rising with the highest recorded in the last decade. The rise in temperatures can be attributed to the fact that carbon dioxide and the greenhouses gases create a blanket in the atmosphere blocking the release of excess radiations into the atmosphere.
The Problems of Global Warming
Global warming has led to increased temperature over the last decade. The ever-increasing temperatures have led to melting of ice resulting in increasing water levels in the oceans and lake, change in cryosphere and rise of the sea levels. Arctic sea ice has reduced to a great extent and also snow coverage in the northern hemisphere has also decreased (Truth, 2006). It has been predicted that if the greenhouse gasses continue to be emitted at the current rate, Arctic sea ice will disappear entirely during summer (Truth, 2006). Progressing effects includes rising the water bodies levels.
Global warming has led to the frequent occurrence of a natural disaster such as drought, storms, flooding. Prolonged drought means something beyond singed yards. Dry spell conditions risk access to clean drinking water, fuel crazy fierce blazes, what's more, result in clean storms, phenomenal warmth events, and flash flooding in the States. Elsewhere around the globe, the absence of water is an essential wellspring of death and characteristic disease. At the contrary end of the range, heavier downpours cause streams, waterways, and lakes to flood, which harms life and property, pollutes drinking water, makes hazardous material spills, and advances form invasion and undesirable air. A hotter, wetter world is likewise a shelter for sustenance bore and waterborne ailments and ailment conveying creepy crawlies, for example, mosquitoes, bugs, and ticks.
Global warming is putting the lives of human beings at risk especially in countries that depend on rain-fed agriculture. The continued rise in temperature will mean less rain and unsteady rains which will translate to low food production. If nothing is done to reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses, time will come when the planet will not be able to feed the existing population.
Global warming has led to the physical destruction of the planet. Physical sceneries have changed over time. The snow has been melting over the past years. Sea levels have been rising due to the expansion of the sea which is causing regular flooding.
Past, Present, Future of the Topic
In the 19th century, the global temperatures were within a low range, and there was a balance between the hot days, cold days and relatively cold or warmer days. Global warming, by then, was not a serious problem because not a lot of carbon dioxide had accumulated in the atmosphere. However, the trend changed in the 20th century when more hot days as compared to cold days arose. The global temperatures increased, and the effects of global warming such as the melting of ice began. Global warming effects continued to intensify into the 21st century when the topic has attracted the attention of world countries who are now in the wake to mitigate the issue. If the release of the greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide continues at the same rate, global temperatures will continue to rise, and global warming effects would be dangerous to human existence in future. But if people embrace renewable sources of energy, the effects of global warming can be reversed.
The Place Involved
Global warming takes place on earth. It takes place in almost every part of the world. It is more aggravated in areas where industrialization is intensive such as China. This is because the industries release a lot of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
The cause, reasons, results, conditions
Carbon dioxide is mostly the primary cause of greenhouse effect since it has expanded exponentially from the time people started developing the manufacturing industry, which discharges carbon dioxide as an exhaust gas. Methane from domestic animals and nitrous oxide are additional causes of global warming. Fast deforestation for industry decreases plants and trees that would be drawing carbon dioxide out of the air and supplanting it with oxygen through photosynthesis, is another leading cause of global warming. All these activities increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leading to thickening of the greenhouse effect.
The greenhouse impact is an essential property of the environment; life, as it is known, could not exist if the air did not trap a portion of the heat from the sun and go about as an encasing. The greenhouse effect works due to the nearness of some gasses whose particles are inexactly sufficiently bound to trap warm, discharge it as radiation, and in this way warm up the climate, and the ground more than would happen
Global warming occurs as a result of too much carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases being emitted into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide destroys the ozone layer and act as a cover that warms the globe
Global warming has resulted in changes in temperature ranges. Continuous high temperatures have been recorded with the highest temperatures being recorded in the past century (Truth, 2006). Global warming has also led to the frequent occurrence of natural disasters such as floods, storms, fire, and drought.
Carbon dioxide has continued to be released into the atmosphere, and its levels continue to rise. This has translated into temperatures going up as the greenhouse blanket builds up. Carbon dioxide can remain for many years in the space meaning that effects of global warming will continue to worsen if nothing is done to reduce the number of greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere.
How global warming operates
Global warming happens because of expansion in the convergence of ozone-depleting substances. The approaching radiation from the sun needs to adjust to active radiation, and ozone-depleting substances diminish the sum active radiation. It implies that the atmosphere needs to get more smoking because, hot articles produce more radiation, so this is the way the earth framework can adjust the approaching and active radiation (Truth, 2006). Ozone harming substances warm the atmosphere, in this manner puts a higher amount of them into the air will dependably diminish active radiation. Furthermore, this implies the climate needs to warm with a specific end goal to accomplish a harmony amongst approaching and intense radiation. However, the measure of water that air can hold diminishes with height, because of a declining temperature. It implies that in the above environment, the territories vital for an earth-wide temperature boost, carbon dioxide is the critical gas. This is the reason most endeavors to battle environmental change concentrate on reducing the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.
Truth, A. I. (2006).directed by Davis Guggenheim. Performed by Al Gore.
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