In the- twenty first-century, English language among other teachings no longer depends upon the walls of class room unlike the earlier ages. Before the digital age, the learners wholly relied on what was taught inside the learning facilities contrasting todays learning thanks to the digital tools. Moreover in the recent years, the most substantial forces of change are the technological sophistication which does not only affect our lives but also in a weighty way but also embraces tantalizing promises on our increasing education efficiency.
Dissimilar from the past, we now have we now have numerous new and exciting means of presenting information which includes the internet adverts and a multiple of formats that are communicated via the World Wide Web. The web incorporates sound lesions and moving pictures into that extend the provision of the materials that encourage the learners interactions with the subject matter. Therefore, the animations and the pictures enable the learner in bringing the lifes scientific principles while the multimedia allows the students in taking an active role in the learning process.
Both reorganization and redefinition of the education experience has been bestowed by the technological experience upon the materials and equipment that assists in education proliferation and technological escalation. Notably in the past learning relied upon the verbal communication between the teacher and the student and the printed materials and the learned. The communication channels play a significant role in learning of the language from the recorded words, television, programed lessons, pictures and other Medias.
Media is a means through which the messages are transmitted or delivered and it includes; photography, graphics, audio communications, prints, computers and television simulating games. The combination of two or more of the media is known as multimedia. The core multimedia teaching is through the use of a computer and integrating the communication between the teacher and the student to create a message.
A sizable contribution has been made in incorporating the fruits of the linguistic research to alleviate the burden of coping with the language barriers. Use of the combination of the language technology applications and intelligence devices has enabled people who do not speak a common language do business with each other. The combination s embedded through applications, devices and services which support the communication across the common barriers in a flexible and the most transparent way possible. This approach has offered the European stakeholders a tremendous advantage both in the European market and in trade across the non-European nations. Therefore the language technology has served as an invisible and a highly effective bridge across diverse languages worldwide.
Enormous research has alleviated the success of the current English language technology application unlike other languages. However, there is still need for a considerable effort achieving a greater height of a ubiquitous, pervasive and transparent technology. The language technology on all spoken discourse and written texts has helped people share knowledge, collaborate, conduct businesses as well as participate in forms and social economic debates notwithstanding the levels of computer skills and the language barriers. Its operations are invincibly inside its complex software systems. Some of the tasks employed behind the scene includes, checking of the grammar and spellings via the word processor, finding for the information through the search engine translating of the web page through an online service among others.
With all the digital technology however, learning of the English language through these digital tools cannot be considered a solved problem. Despite the existence of these high quality software tools, maintaining, adopting and extending them to deal with both different domains and sub-domains is a big problem and remains unsolved. Moreover, the automatic detection of the grammatical structure for this language can be carried out to a high degree of accuracy yet the same cannot be said for the next generations sematic analysis. A robust systematic analysis system that enables the learner complete sentences and dialogues, for example to generate relevant and rich answers to open headed questions is still on its embryonic stage. However, the portents of more intelligent systems are readily available which gives zest to the future.
In conclusion, technology has been a big boon to both learning and teaching of the English language from reading and writing to the literature. The information communication technology has been employed in diverse ways in both teaching and enriching the students abilities. Language technology on all spoken discourse and written texts has helped people share knowledge, collaborate, conduct businesses as well as participate in forms and social economic debates notwithstanding the levels of computer skills and the language barriers.
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