Over the last three years, there have been rampant changes in the field of networking. These changes are witnessed in a variety of management trends that occur in various sections. Some of the areas that have seen changes in management trends include virtualization, hardware, security, network management tools, wireless, network management tools, and software defined networking. However, this study will focus on the management trends that have occurred in the areas of security, virtualization, and network management tools.
Virtualization is the creation of computer-generated versions of a resource or device such as a server, network, operating system, or storage devices. In virtualization, the framework separates the resource into several execution environments. Currently, virtualization is perceived to be a mainstream architecture and many organizations have committed to ensuring that all new apps are deployed in virtual environments.
Virtualization of Servers
Server virtualization involves the veiling of server resources that include operating systems and processors usually from the servers to the users. In this kind of virtualization, the server administrator employs an application that separates a single server into a variety of virtual environments. These environments are referred to as guests, emulations, or containers. In the recent past, numerous changes have occurred in the management of virtualized servers. Initially, when server virtualization started, there were no sanctions of backup necessities. However, over the past three years, backup tools have been developed to ensure that the guests do not relapse in their functionality. Furthermore, software vendors have also provided that the physical server hardware is improved to such a point that data protection has become up to date. Furthermore, the virtualized servers can utilize a maximum of eighty percent of the CPU which leaves minimal excess capacities for other workloads (Kim, Jung & Jung, 2017).
Figure 1: Virtualization trends (https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=virtualization)
Virtualization of the Operating System
Initially, the OS was perceived as a function-specific amalgamation of software that was intended to carry out given issues. However, in recent years, the virtualization of the operating system has transformed it to utilize the hypervisors. The use of the hypervisors has generated a trend that challenges the unique role of the OS and has also threatened to change the competitive edge in significant ways (Wright, 2017). Such changes have helped the software vendors to adjust the production of the operating systems and alter them in significant ways to ensure that they align with the current prospects. Furthermore, the hypervisors have taken up the major responsibilities that were initially placed on the OS and made it difficult to handle multiple functions promptly. Lastly, the application and user-oriented characteristics have been thinned-out by the fact that the OS resides in the virtual environments.
The management of network security has undergone various changes in the recent past. Numerous threats presented in the networking field have prompted the development of advanced ways of dealing with the security threats. The rise of new operating systems and personal devices are among the major issues that have presented unpredictable security dangers.
Trends in the Physical Aspect
Physical security is the protection of software, hardware, personnel, and networks from damage. The damage may lead to severe loss of valuable materials by an individual or organization. However, physical security of devices has for many years been underrated in favor of the technical threats. The physical threat does not require any technical experience. Therefore, several developments have been made to ensure the physical safety of the devices. In recent years, biometric access control systems are being installed in many organizations to ensure full protection of their property. Some of these access controls include fingerprint readers, hand geometry readers, and retina scanners (Loo, Mauri & Ortiz, 2016). All these regulate the use of various devices ranging from mobile phones to personal computers. Another management trend that has risen is the use of access control cards. Access control cards regulate entry into a given premises more so where necessary hardware such as servers are located. These cards ensure that only selected persons can access this hardware and hence uphold security.
Trends in the Monitoring Aspect
Network security monitoring entails the analysis, an increment of the warnings and indications to perceive and respond to the intrusion. Monitoring helps to avoid the cases of cyber breaching and attacks that often occur. Currently, IT professionals have become thorough in establishing the egress and ingress data in the network. The development of internal networks in the past years have been essential in network monitoring and have aided in ensuring that the security breaches are limited. Some introduced network security tools include telemetries such as endpoint forensic, packet capture, and NetFlow (Loo, Mauri & Ortiz, 2016). NetFlow is used in the collection of information regarding IP and also monitoring the traffic of the network. Through such monitoring, an image of the volume and flow of network traffic can be established. On the other hand, packet capture is utilized in the interception of data moving within a specified computer network. The captured data is then stored temporarily and is closely monitored for any anomalies. Finally, the endpoint forensic is used to track indicators that may suggest the compromise in the network. They ensure that attacks levied on a particular network is does not harm it eventually.
Network Management Tools
These tools are used to monitor and evaluate the performance of the network. The tools are also responsible for providing asset details including the installed software, OS, and hardware. Besides these tools also notify the user about performance and availability of the network elements. Some common network management tools include port scanners, system explorer, and TCP reset. A port scanner is used for establishing the status of scanned ports and determine the unwanted and unknown services in the system. On the other hand, the system explorer scans devices and establishes the details of the disk space, running processes, and the installed software. The TCP reset establishes all connections found in a device.
Management Trends in Port Scanners
Port scanners have, for a long time been used by attackers to develop new ways of attacking the systems. Publicly accessible servers are easy targets for the attacks and information can be retrieved and utilized for unintended purposes. However, recent developments have seen the rise of new and improved ways of managing port scanning activities. The rise of rigid firewalls has been one of the trends that have risen to fight against port scans. However, it has not been entirely possible to shield against all the attacks, but the use of firewalls has reduced the impacts significantly (Ghiette, Blenn, & Doerr, 2016). Furthermore, the use of intrusion prevention systems (IPS) has been emphasized to strengthen the use of firewalls. The IPS are used to detect any unwanted activities in the servers and shut them before they can access any information from the network.
Management Trends in TCP Reset
TCP/IP is the majorly used protocol on the internet in the contemporary world. The RST packet is sent in the three-way handshake in instances when the server fails to recognize the connection. In other cases, the packet may be sent mid-way if the client or server rejects further communication without a four-way TCP connection ending process. Recent trends have emerged such that when two connected computers are running simultaneously, and one of them crashes, the second device will continue sending the TCP because it fails to realize that the other one is not functioning (Ghiette, Blenn, & Doerr, 2016). Additionally, after the first device is rebooted, it picks up from where the TCP halted but will send them to the other device since it does not realize their functions. Therefore, it becomes easy to continue using the same device even after it has crashed.
In summary, the study has established the management trends that have occurred in the areas of security, virtualization, and network management tools. The security trends have involved the introduction of biometric access control systems, controlled access cards and retina scanners. Furthermore, the use of endpoint forensic, packet capture, and NetFlow has also boosted the monitoring aspect of security. Network management tools have also undergone various changes that include the buildup of rigid firewalls and IPS that restrict access. Furthermore, port scanners and the TCP resets have also undergone significant management trends in the past three years. Therefore, it can be established that these management trends have improved the security, use, and accessibility of devices.
Ghiette, V., Blenn, N., & Doerr, C. (2016). Remote Identification of Port ScanToolchains. InNew Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), 2016 8th IFIPInternationalConference on (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
Kim, C., Jung, K., & Jung, H. (2017). Implementation of a NIC for Virtualization Servers toSupport the High-Speed Feature of Virtual Machine Networking. International Journalof Applied Engineering Research, 12(10), 2312-2319.
Loo, J., Mauri, J. L., & Ortiz, J. H. (Eds.). (2016). Mobile ad hoc networks: current status andfuture trends. CRC Press.
Wright, J. L. (2017). Where am I? Operating System and Virtualization Identification withoutSystem Calls. Coeur.
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