A program of research is a systematic extraction of an area a researcher considers of significances that are aimed at positively impacting the society regarding public health, has its basis from the already published studies and has some importance to the clinical nursing practice. Research is an essential element of health care organization especially when it comes to practice change and other aspects of patients health care. This essay aims to lay down the process that can be used in our healthcare organization to facilitate a program research and the top issues that the research should be based.
Building a research is not a lined process rather it is iterative meaning it requires one to begin again over and over again. The first step of building a program research is by thinking about the clinical practice. A question such as what is working according to expectations and what is not is essential during this step. From here, reading literature reviews and any material conversant to the field becomes of the essence. This is essential in creating more information on a prospective qualitative research. On building the evocative qualitative research, instruments to measures the desired prodigies is developed. This is essential to determine the extent the phenomena impacts the society. Quantitative studies to explore the variables likely to correlate with the area of attention (William, 2008). The final step is doing intervention studies to gauge the extent the phenomenon might change. At this point, qualitative study is also incorporated to widen the scope of understanding the aftermath of the research program. The phrase fine can also be used to ensure the program is ground-breaking enough.
A strategy that should be incorporated in this process is the outcomes model for health care research. This program is of the essence as it makes individuals reason about the program f research. The program has horizontal dimensions. This is where the inputs required, the processes to be taken and the outcomes expected are stipulated. Looking closely into our health care institution, the number of nurses are very minimal leading to fatigue and long working hours (Richardson, 2002). This has a direct impact on the patients since nurses competence is greatly reduced and not all patients are well catered. The first question is if research in this particular field will yield favorable outcome and whether it is of interest to us. Is the program ethical? Moreover, lastly is it relevant to the health care staff and patients together with the cost.
The second step which involves research is to indulge in educative literature pertaining the issue such as articles on nurse-patient ratio and the impacts it has on patients. Instruments to measure the issue of the nurse to patient ratio is acquired, and this can be in the form of questionnaires where patients are asked about the matter and allowed to give their views considering the treatment process they have undertaken. Quantitative research such as finding out the number of nurses in the facility together with the patients admitted and attended to is taken into account (William, 2008). Lastly, intervention studies are conducted where the outcome is taken into account and established so as to know if the cost put into the research matches the benefits expected. The outcome, in this case, should be more efficient services to the patients since the nurses will be enough to attend to everyones needs to the maximum.
William, L. (2008). Building a program of research. School of Nursing, California. CA 94143-0608. Vol 6
Richardson, R. (2009). Nursing Research Process. Doi: 10.1111/j.1742-7924
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