Essay on Relationship Among Efl Learners Autonomy, Self-Esteem, and Vocabulary Learning Strategies

Published: 2021-07-01
928 words
4 pages
8 min to read
University of California, Santa Barbara
Type of paper: 
Dissertation chapter
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The current study attempted at investigating any possible relationship among EFL learners autonomy, self-esteem, and vocabulary learning strategies. It also probed any significant relationship between EFL learners AU and SE in predicting their choice of VLSs. A replication of this study can be done with the application of some qualitative instruments such as interviews, so as to increase the validity and generalizability of the findings. We have seen through this study as a result of language learning being a multidimensional phenomenon, the research has a recommendation for further studies to be conducted to look into the way in which other personality, as well as mental factors, interacts with the variables presented in the study. This study could also be carried out among other age groups with regards to the difference that exists amongst different age groups in view of mental and personal qualities.

CONCLUSION - (Paraphrase the underlined text)

Based on the abovementioned findings, it can be concluded that there was a statistically significant relationship among EFL learners autonomy, self-esteem, and vocabulary learning strategies. The finding of this study also confirmed that AU and SE were considered the predictor variables of the predicted variable, vocabulary learning strategies.

In consideration of the relationship existing between these three variables, we can conclude that the greater the level of autonomy of learner as well as self-esteem, the more VLSs will be used. There is an observation of learnings and a solution that is to be used in overcoming the problems associated with learning new vocabularies. We are able to see that autonomous learners have high self-esteem since they have tools that ease the learning process of new vocabularies making it more practicable.

When individuals are aware of their unique differences in learning EFL teachers become more sensitive to their roles enabling them to be able to match teaching together with learning hence developing the potential of students in EFL learning. This also assists students who in turn become cognizant of the most effective ways to learn.

The implication of the study findings is that there can be an improvement of the students vocabulary learning strategies through fostering the autonomy of the students in and out of class. There is also the inference that the increase in a learners autonomy is directly proportional to their incorporation of vocabulary learning strategies.

It is believed that study results are likely to make EFL learners to be more motivated internally hence valuing autonomous learning, self-esteem, and VLS. Moreover, the improvement of self-esteem in the context of learning has the capability of helping learners to be well equipped with tools for the purposes of design in order to instill positive attitudes when it comes to learning a new language as well as positive perceptions of their role as learners. This being so, the results of pres4nted here implies that for language learners, encouraging them to become autonomous learner goes a long way in improving their vocabulary learning through the employment of VLS.

The findings in this study provide EFL teachers, EFL learners, and syllabus designers with in-depth insights into the very nature of VLS considering the way it can be promoted with the use of other internal factors.


The aim of the current study was to see whether any significant relationship exists among EFL learners autonomy, self-esteem, and choice of vocabulary learning strategies; and whether there is any statistically meaningful relationship between EFL learners autonomy and self-esteem in predicting their choice of vocabulary learning strategies. To reach these aims, the study employed a descriptive research design. 212 male and female undergraduate EFL learners, within the age range of 17 to 25, who were studying the English language at Soran University majoring in English Literature, Linguistics, and General English were randomly selected. The participants of the study were asked to fill out three pertinent questionnaires adapted by the researcher. The instruments used in this study were a) a 30-item VLS questionnaire based on Schmitt's vocabulary learning strategies questionnaire b) a 30-item learner AU questionnaire developed by Sakai et al. (2008) c) a 30-item SE questionnaire designed by Coopersmith self-esteem inventory (1967). After carrying out preliminary analyses to check the assumptions of the study, the characteristics of the data legitimate running correlation and regression analysis. Correlation analysis demonstrated that there was a significant relationship between EFL learners autonomy and vocabulary learning strategies (r = .555, p < .05), and self-esteem and vocabulary learning strategies (r = .678 p < .05). Furthermore, regression analyses revealed that autonomy and self-esteem are significant predictors of vocabulary learning strategies. Autonomy, predicts (30.7%) of scores in choice of vocabulary learning strategies (R = .555, R2 = .307). Self-esteem, predicts (45.9%) of scores in choice of vocabulary learning strategies (R = .678, R2 = .456), which demonstrates to make a stronger significant contribution to vocabulary learning strategies. the result of the data analyses also revealed the existence of a significant difference between EFL learners autonomy and self-esteem in predicting their vocabulary learning strategies. The result being derived here is of the suggestion that there can be an improvement of EFL learners vocabulary learning strategies. This can be done by fostering the autonomy of the student as well as their self-esteem. We can also infer that the more a learner becomes autonomous; the more he/she is likely to achieve vocabulary learning strategies.

Autonomy, self-esteem, and choice of vocabulary learning strategies; are intricately associated in that the more autonomous one is, the greater the self-esteem which in other words the increase in self-esteem increases the confidence for one to try out new things hence more autonomous. And the greater the autonomy and self-esteem the more the learner will incorporate and achieve vocabulary learning strategies.


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