Personally, I believe teaching is a noble professional that should be done with utmost passion or dedication. I believe that I have a primary responsibility of empowering young learners through quality education. Also, I understand that education is the greatest tool of empowerment (Zhang, Chan, & Kenway, 2015; Barnes, 2010). As such, I have structured effective goals of ensuring that all learners under my care can seek and attain education fulfillment. Furthermore, the attainment of knowledge is the key to success (Liao, 2001; Aguayo, 2010). As such, I strive to align my teaching goals with the learners individual learning goals.
Additionally, I aim for my future classes is to motivate all students to attain academic excellence and watch them grow. This is because I believe that motivation is key to the attainment of goals (Elliot, Dweck, & Yeager, 2017; Wosnitza, Karabenick, Efklides, & Nenniger, 2009). Furthermore, motivated students will have a positive outlook towards education, which will also aid them to reach their full potential. I also strive to create a conducive environment where learners can feel comfortable when learning. This is because I believe a serene environment is essential for the students learning process (Martin, et al., 2017).
Moreover, as part of my individual teaching goal, I am focused on promoting the academic betterment of each student. This is because I believe that different students have different educational needs that require personalized attention (Ferris & Pixy, 2011). As such, I am always focused on determining the individual weaknesses of every learner, and in turn, implementing effective individual-centered teaching strategies to improve the learners outcomes. Also, as part my goals in teaching, I strive to promote the usage of group work in teaching students.
Group learning is a teaching strategy that I value, whereby students impact knowledge of other students. I believe that every student has his/her unique learning qualities, which if shared can promote the overall academic excellence of all students. I also believe that group work can transform the general atmosphere of a classroom into a highly interactive students environment for learning (Gill & Thomson, 2017). Furthermore, through group work, learners can take an ownership matter in the various learning concepts shared in a class by learners.
Furthermore, I also believe that through group work, all learners can develop essential communication as well as teamwork skills (Stevens, 2008). Also, the education content that is learned in class by students can be reinforced as learners work together in group work discussions. Additionally, in teaching, I strive to ensure that all learners attain the freedom that allows them to express themselves well through to other students in the class. This is because I believe that appropriate self-expression promotes the attainment of learners academic creativity.
Additionally, through self-expression, learners can experiment with their likes and dislikes, in an effort to realize their strengths and weaknesses in the learning process. Consequently, this allows the teacher to mold each students learning needs, to fit the most effective learning style. Also, I aim to teach learners in a way where there are straight instructions. However, at the same time, I strive to offer the students room to grow as well as expand learning on their own.
During the start of the annual academic period, I will take the learners through classroom discussions. However, by the end of the last semester in every academic year, I will encourage learners to create their own questions and then try to answer them independently. This way, I believe that I can evaluate the level of understanding that each learner has, for different lessons learned in class. I also believe by doing this I will be in a position to encourage the students to work harder in seeking beneficial academic information from different sources.
Also, through the classed I have taken in the university, I have developed my individual teaching philosophy, which will be implemented into my future classroom teaching. This is because I have extensively prepared myself for an inclusive educational classroom, whereby I will determine various students needs and in turn prepare the lessons to be employed accordingly. In this case, I will encourage all learners to participate in the learning process by asking questions and offering academically viable opinions on different topics.
Additionally, one of my teaching goals is to employ preventive as well as supportive behavioral teaching strategies. This is instead of using coercive teaching strategies. In this case, I hope to attain this goal by engaging lessons that possess clear expectations. Furthermore, I also hope to be objective to all the learners during the learning process. For instance, if there is good need to punish a student, I will ensure that I give him/her a fresh start after the punishment. This is by treating him or her equally, like the other learners in class to also promote his/her learning process.
Ultimately, I will strive to prepare learners for life after school, through offering insightful and beneficial educational life managing skills. Moreover, I believe that it is also remarkably important to develop the learners social as well as interaction skills. In this case, I believe that I will be able to nurture such skills in all the students through arranging academically beneficial group work activities.
Aguayo, R. (2010). The Metaknowledge Advantage: The Key to Success in the New Economy. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Barnes, S. L. (2010). Black Megachurch Culture: Models for Education and Empowerment. Bern: Peter Lang.
Elliot, A. J., Dweck, C. S., & Yeager, D. S. (2017). Handbook of Competence and Motivation, Second Edition: Theory and Application. New York: Guilford Publications.
Ferris, & Pixy, S. (2011). Teaching, Learning and the Net Generation: Concepts and Tools for Reaching Digital Learners: Concepts and Tools for Reaching Digital Learners. Hershey: IGI Global.
Gill, S., & Thomson, G. (2017). Human-Centred Education: A Practical Handbook and Guide. Milton Park: Taylor & Francis.
Liao, P. (2001). Knowledge Management: The Key to Success in the 21st Century. Hong Kong: Chinese Management Research Centre, Faculty of Business, City University of Hong Kong.
Martin, Bruce, Breunig, Mary, Wagstaff, Mark, . . . Marni. (2017). Outdoor Leadership-2nd Edition. Champaign: Human Kinetics.
Stevens, C. (2008). Service Learning for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation: A Step-by-step Guide. Champaign: Human Kinetics.
Wosnitza, M., Karabenick, S. A., Efklides, A., & Nenniger, P. (2009). Contemporary Motivation Research: From Global to Local Perspectives. Boston: Hogrefe Publishing.
Zhang, H., Chan, P. W., & Kenway, J. (2015). Asia as Method in Education Studies: A Defiant Research Imagination. New York: Routledge.
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