In Australia, obese employees cause latest work errors. More analysis points that overweight personnels productivity is low to expectations. Such obese employees occasionally pass away causing a loss of skilled staff at work environments (Dhasarathy, Roemmich, & Claycombe, 2017). Eating any food just to fill a hungry stomach is the most common trend promoting obesity thus having ineffective employees; as a result, numerous cases of obesity a detrimental disease that is a leading cause of heart attack, most cancers, and diabetes continue to exist. Worse of it all is the scarring statics that more than half of Australian population who should be building Australia, is either overweight or obese (Richard, 2012), shockingly, between 2014 and 2015 it was vivid that sixty-four percent of Australian adults were either obese or overweight (Sharpe, 2013). In 2012, seventy-one percent of men were obese compared to fifty-six percent in women of the total obese and overweight people. Scientific research has attributed lousy eating habits as a primary cause of obesity. Obesity is primarily a medical condition where a person weighs twenty percent or more of their normal body weight, (McGavock, 2015).
The prime significance of this research is to reveal how obesity has detrimental effects on working environments and create a societal change through which people can learn to stay healthy at work. Besides, measures on how they should undertake changes in their eating habits for a better living is evident in this work. In 2009, two hundred and fifteen deaths were direct because of obesity (Skinner, & Skelton, 1999-2012). Adding more salt to this death injury is the rush that people in Australia have in ingesting junk food. With the proliferation of high end chain of franchised restaurant, it is a common trend to see employees hang out after work or during breaks. Commonly, these restaurants are well known as fast foods (Ling et al. 2017). The government of Australia spent more than twenty-one billion dollars in direct health care and non-direct health support for the majority overweight working class (Paeger, Pippow, Hess, Paehler, Klein, Husch, Pouzat, Bruning, & Kloppenburg, 2017). High and rising number of deaths, vast budgetary spending on obesity has seen a large number of companies lose their experts, increased dependents, and emotionally stressed colleagues who affect their general work productivity that results in job errors and losses (Doumatey, 2016). Additionally, obesity has caused a rise in burdened families as a result of expensive Medicare required by their loved ones who become unfit to work (Yuan, Dong, Fan, Jing Gong, & Lu, 2017)
Obesity remains a problem in a working environment; this is because obese personnel poses many risks at work (Yuan et al., 2017). Observing healthy diet and having corporate team building activities will significantly reduce obesity risks (Kamyar, 2015). The topic relates to the significance criterion by Colquitt and George since it will add valuable knowledge and insights and promote healthy employees. Additionally, obesity and work topic relate to curiosity scope by Colquitt and George because of its content nature. The subject has shocking scientific results, statistics, and findings that are though at times traumatizing but are crucial in understanding how well one must undertake precaution from getting obese and remain work fit. For this case, it is evident that obesity is a significant issue in the workplace resulting in severe effects on the safety of workers in the workplace. Obese individuals render the working environment as unsafe for operation due to their health conditions. Overweight employees cause work errors, and companies lose a significant number of employees due to their health conditions culminating from obesity.
Dhasarathy, A., Roemmich, J.N., Claycombe, K.J. 2017. Influence of maternal obesity, diet and exercise on epigenetic regulation of adipocytes. Molecular Aspects of Medicine, 54, 37-49.
Doumatey A. P. 2016.Proinflammatory and lipid biomarkers mediate metabolically healthy obesity: A proteomics study Obesity. 6 (24), 1257-1265.
Kamyar, K. 2015. Carrying a heavier weight is healthy: Obesity-reinforced fitness hypothesis in metabolically healthy obesity. Obesity. 2(24), 281-282.
Ling, J., Robbins, L. B., Wen, F., Zhang, N. 2017. Lifestyle Interventions in Preschool Children: A Meta-analysis of Effectiveness. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 53:1, 102-112.
McGavock, J. M. 2015. Resilience as a pathway to Healthy Living for Indigenous Youth Living with or at Risk for Obesity, Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 39- 55
Paeger, L., Pippow, A., Hess, S., Paehler, M., Klein, A.C., Husch, A., Pouzat, C., Bruning, J.C., Kloppenburg, P. 2017. Energy imbalance alters Ca 2+ handling and excitability of POMC neurons. eLife 6.
Richard, V. 2012. On the Prevention of Obesity and a Philosophy for Healthy Living. Food and Nutrition Sciences. 7(3), 970-974.
Skinner AC, Skelton JA. Prevalence and trends in obesity and severe obesity among children in the United States, 1999-2012. JAMA Pediatr 2014; 168:561-566
Sharpe. R. M. 2013. Obesogens and Obesity An alternative view? Obesity. 6(21), 1081-1083.
Yuan, F., Dong, H., Fang, K., Jing Gong, J., Lu F. 2017. Effects of green tea on lipid metabolism in overweight or obese people: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research.104, 1601122.
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