As a result of a shortage of the health care professionals, there has been a stiff competition for the hospitals and most of the health care providers to hire qualified individuals for their work. This is one of the problems that Health first facility has been facing over the time. As explained by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the health care employment in the country is expected to increase by 23% by the year 2018. Despite this improvement, the administrators of the healthcare are still faced with the challenge of creating a conducive working environment for the workers.
Analytical tools:
Cause and effect diagrams
Quantitative analysis
And force field analysis Problem: competition for the health care professionals
Analytical tool application
Cause and effect diagrams Federal government programs. As much as it can be said that there are many foundations that are providing assistance to the health sectors the largest most funder over the time has been the government. This indicates that the amount which can be catered for by the government is way too little that the centers can absorb
Admission policies and institutional cultures: some of the intuitional culture do not support full admission of the health professional thus lowering the number of health professional
Quantitative analysis The federal government has over the time reduced the budgets for the healthcare programs b89% to 65%.
Most of the health care providers in the region are son reaching a retirement age. As depicted by the center for the workforce studies about 40% of the physicians are 55 years and above.
Force field analysis Force filed analysis aim at increasing the number of professional in the center.
Driving forces: increased patients
Increased work force
Obstacle to change: limited number of professionals.
Since the provider population in the health sector s seem to be aging, there is dire need to come up with policies that will en sure that the gap is filed. Also, some of the key government policies have been found to be hindering proses when it comes to hiring of the professions. Finally lack of funds by the center could also be a pediment to hiring of nurses.
Reflections: the health center has resorted on ways possible to hire many professional. Some of these strategies included e hiring direct from the college and universities
For sustainability, the health center has a long term plan of putting up a medical school within its facilities.
Activity seven: Potential solutions to the problem
There are two types of solutions; algorithm and the heutrics. The algorithms strategy is used when dealing with a routine problem in an organization. There are considered to be step by step process of how to solve a problem and achieve given goal. The second strategy is the use of heurists. These are considered to be general strategies that are used in making quick and also shortcut solutions. They can either lead to solution or can be bound to errors
Solution generation technique Methods used Potential solutions identified
Morphological analysis and related techniques algorithm Hi ring of more proffecialnals
Brain storming and its variants algorithm Indulging colleagues when hiring
Lateral thinking and associated methods algorithm Hiring of colleagues
Syndetic algorithm Construction of the medical centers
Paradigm- breaking techniques algorithm Construction of the medical centers
Morphological analysis and related techniques applicable in Health First Checklist
Attribute Listing Health First employees should be involved in planning for the working schedule (Allen, 2011). This will enhance work-life balance, thereby reducing stress in Health First employees. There will be intercultural competitions organized among employees. Having joint competitions among employees will help build teamwork and consequently the appreciation of the talents and abilities possessed by the staff from other cultures. Health First should also organize an open forum where employees can demonstrate their abilities. This platform of direct interaction between the Health First personnel and the management is essential in helping them open up and reveal the problems experienced in their work (Clutter, 2001).To make the flow of information effective, Health First employees should be allowed to have unions through which employees can channel their grievances (Funke, 2010). Such associations within an organization help in fostering good relationships.
The various aspects of the project were listed to determine an ideal solution in making the company a better working environment.
Brainstorming and its variants Trigger method
Wildest Idea Variant
Round Robin
Brainstorming Health First employees will be offered five minutes to note various issues that they have in the organization. Every member then presents their problems one by one and each is discussed by the entire group. This facilitates the generation of all the viable solutions to Health First employee issues until a final best applicable solution is arrived at which can solve the problem.
In suggesting the possible solutions to the problems that face employees at Health First, the wildest idea variant was a very significant method of attaining practical solutions (Raymond, 2005). Health First management can collect ideas from employees through this method and discuss the possible solutions to each problem mentioned by the employees. This can make employees view management as very caring about their welfare and can boost the good relationships between them.
A performance appraisal is a significant approach to which Health First can enhance accountability amongst the organization staff according to (Allen, 2011). Employees need to be trained and developed regularly for the improvement of their performance. They will also be accountable and will submit various reports concerning their performance. As employment relations are a fundamental aspect in appraisals, they will be forced to conform to the expected good employment relations. This will build a good relationship between Health First personnel and the management, thereby solving the poor interaction challenge that hampers with the quality of patient care.
Lateral thinking and associated methods Lateral Thinking
Most health care organizations carry out inclusive induction activities for new workers. Through this induction, workers can gain a better level of understanding of the healthcare environment, Health First missions, objectives and purpose. The process implements effective strategies that apply to Health First employees. Induction programmers should involve preliminary health and safety guidance to Health First workers.
The process of effective induction should provide Health First employees with the knowledge of where they effectively fit within the organization and also who they can work with after the training.
Synaptic Fantasy Analogy
Facilities management team support employees with training related to work as time management and communication skills. Also learning department from HR is supposed to educate new Health First employees with the code of ethics and code of conflicts applicable in the healthcare environment.
Activity 7: Identification of a range of potential solutions for Health First Organization
Problem-solving requires openness and willingness to understand the cause of the problem (Funke, 2010). In Health First, there were certain causes of the well-known problem: negative attitudes towards patients with certain cultures. Having identified this issue sets the process of reaching the solution. One factor worth reiterating is that a real interaction in healthcare is essential to the recovery of the patient as well as the reputation of the healthcare organization. The act of consultation enables the Health First employees views to be appreciated and taken into account by the Health First management.
Healthcare organization managers are usually obliged to seek advice from their working staff in the following circumstances:
When establishing how the process of consultation will be conducted
In the evaluation of risks as well as the review of risk assessments conducted within the organization
When implementing decisions on the control of Health First business risks.
During the establishment or change of measures used in evaluating risks facing Health First.
When making decisions about the adequacy of welfare facilities when proposed changes are made to Health First premises, work methods, plant or substances which may affect the health, safety or welfare of employees during their interactions with the patients.
Activity 8 Identifying the likely constraints facing Health First
From the indicated problems, there are certain limitations that are expected in Health First. One of the key constraints noted is the internal conflict among Health First employees and the management. An organization where there is no proper relationship between the healthcare staff and senior staff usually fails to be successful in its operations and delivering patient care (Schoppek, 2002). This has an ideal impact on their morale, thereby leading to a reduction in their ability to offer evidence based care. Poor relationships between management and healthcare personnel hurt the communication among them that pose a risk to the safety of the patients (Novick&Bassok, 2005). Effective dissemination of information in Health First will not be achieved when staff and management do not have a good relationship. This can be a constraint on the success of the Health First. Moreover, internal conflicts which part of the complex problem resulting from the irregular promotion of individual employees in Health First can never motivate hard working employees who are likely to drive the team's success (Wang &Chiew, 2010). This is because they find that their efforts are not rewarded accordingly, which consequently lowers their morale. The customers demand evidence based care, and a focus on patient safety does not require favoring employees while offering promotions (Wang &Chiew, 2010). Irregular development results to allotting of young employees in certain positions which require skills and knowledge where only experienced and qualified physicians and nurses should be placed (Wang &Chiew, 2010). The ultimate result is then noted by the poor healthcare services thereby sending potential Health First customers away and causing the organization to fail.
Incompetent promotions can also lead to poor relationships amongst Health First employees within the organization, hindering teamwork. A successful organization is one in which teamwork is the core factor for its success (Novick & Bassok, 2005). According to (Wang & Chiew, 2010), everyone is required in making the organization successful. When this is lacking because of the internal conflicts among employees, the organizations business will be unsuccessful. When there is no teamwork among employees, there may be no assistance from staff members on duty to cover for another staff who may be out sick. This implies that the duty station would remain vacant or a day could go by without any production from the station (Novick & Bassok, 2005) staggering performance.
Technology application in healthcare
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