Job satisfaction and organizational commitment are essential elements to both employees and employers. They are the driving forces behind a successful organization because they define how the employees play their assigned roles in their daily routine. This is because when employees are satisfied in their jobs and committed to the organization, they will be proud in the work they do and hence lead to the excellence of the organization. There is a difference between job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
Firstly, job satisfaction is defined by the positive emotional state or the pleasure that results from the appraisal of a job or the experiences that employee goes through in an organization. It manifests itself through the assigned duties, compensation, relationship with the coworkers, opportunities for promotion, and supervision. Nelson and Quick (2013) note that dimensions such as supportive coworkers, prized rewards, and challenging work results in job satisfaction among employees where they like the responsibilities assigned.
On the other hand, organizational commitment is how strong an individual identifies with an organization. It could be an affective commitment where an employee shows a strong desire to remain in an organization or continuance commitment where an employee shows the tendency to stay because one cannot afford to leave (Nelson & Quick, 2013). Employees are committed because they enjoy what they do in the organization for a living or the benefits and pay given are good.
Based on the above differences, I believe organizational commitment is more related to performance than job satisfaction in The John Hopkins Hospital. Specifically, the employees in this hospital show affective commitment because they are not only committed to their assigned duties but also to the wellbeing of their patients. They love their jobs because they help many sick patients daily and they treat them passionately hence leads to job satisfaction. The employees show care and commitment because they take time to get into the background of the patients. Moreover, the hospital employees are responsible in all they do and are committed despite the flexible work arrangements allowed by the management. They anticipate the needs of the hospital, work together as a team, and have shown professionalism by listening to the issues from the patients and advising them accordingly.
Motivation is defined as the psychological growth satisfaction that is dependent on the condition of work given to an employee (Luthans et al., 2015). Two- factor theory, also known as Herzbergs motivation-hygiene theory, states that in every place of work, some factors lead to job satisfaction while others lead to dissatisfaction (Fiore, 2009). The motivational factors result in job satisfaction, and those that lead to dissatisfaction are called hygiene factors. The John Hopkins Hospital is a potential employer as it meets the motivation factors criteria of job satisfaction. The hospital has a long-standing commitment towards the recognition of achievement, opportunities for growth, achievement, and responsibility. Performance management is the process that involves the appraisal, provision of feedback, and improving performance. These actions overlook every organization so that the achievement of goals and targets are consistent. The John Hopkins Hospital meets the above ideas and hence makes it an excellent institution that a potential employee can render services.
In conclusion, The John Hopkins Hospital is a good place to work because the management is committed to recognition of the performance of the employees and achievement of set targets and goals. Also, the employees are engaged in the organization and love the work they do. They are satisfied because of excellent compensation and the opportunities for promotion that the hospital has.
Fiore, D. J. (2009). Introduction to Educational Administration: Standards, Theories, And Practice. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education.
Luthans, F., Luthans, B. C., & Luthans, K. W. (2015). Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach (13th ed.). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Nelson, D. L., & Quick, J. C. (2013). Organizational Behavior: Science, The Real World, And You (8th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.
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