Essay on Impacts of Illegal Immigration

Published: 2021-06-23
666 words
3 pages
6 min to read
Harvey Mudd College
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Illegal entrance to the United States is the breach of United States immigration rules by foreign citizens who enter the country without government authorization or, after lawful admittance, they remain within the nation beyond their term of authorized admission. While undocumented migrants are those without a residence permit allowing them to continually stay in their country of destination. They may have been unsuccessful in the refuge system, have entered irregularly or have overstayed their visa. Once in an open status, migrants are regularly denied those components which compound a basic standard of living and face a de facto infringement of their primary rights. They are denied education, lack health care, stripped of labor protections, and most shockingly they occupy the worst housing conditions in the US.

There were 11.7 million foreigners from Mexico residing in the U.S. in 2014, and approximately half of them were in the country illegally. Mexico is the countrys highest source of immigrants, constituting up to 28% of all U.S. immigrants. President Donald Trumps government is taking steps to reduce the number of illegal immigrants in the U.S which includes building a wall at the southern border (Pearson 118-132). Recent research reveals that more Mexican immigrants have turned to Mexico than have moved to the United States considering the end of the 2007-2009 Great Recession. The deterioration in Mexican inflows emerges from a mix of circumstances including tougher border enforcement, weakened job opportunities in the United States, the improving Mexican economy and the long-term decline in Mexicos birth rates (Weiner and Corwin 722).

The main problems generated by illegal immigration are depreciated wages, stolen taxpayer resources, lost jobs, and increased numbers of domestic terrorism and crimes. Each of these problems hurts Americans in various ways. But there is a comprehensive agreement among scholarly economists that in the long run, immigration has a small but positive influence on the labor market results of native-born workers, on average. The evidence explains that in the short run, immigration may indifferently reduce native employment because the economy takes some time to adapt to new immigration, but in the long run, immigrants do not lessen native employment rates. The United States could profit enormously from an immigration system that is more receptive to broader economic conditions. In our current immigration policy, legal immigrant streams are substantially unresponsive to the business cycle. Immigration fuels the economy. When immigrants join the labor force, they enhance the productive capability of the economy and raise GDP. Their incomes increase, but so do those of natives (Pearson 118-132).

We are a country that has always drawn much of its power from having people come here and add to the dynamism and prosperity of the nation. The foreigners who have decided to make the challenging and tough decision to move to America have usually been some of the most fruitful nationals of the countries they left behind. They are, by nature, motivated people who were ready to take the risk of moving and pulling up roots. As a result, the United States has gotten the advantage of committed and talented citizens who have boosted our standard of living and our culture (Weiner and Corwin 70). Our national policy should continue to promote immigration. This is why we need an immigration strategy that deals with the certainty of our times and proceeds to reinvigorate our nation by bringing in new people. It is not rocket science to know how to set up an efficient immigration policy. We cannot deport millions of individuals, most of whom are living quiet, hardworking and orderly lives. We also cannot tolerate them, as a result of their unauthorized entry, to become citizens. This would break the basic premise of following the rule of law that is an important standard of citizenship.

Works Cited

Pearson, Matthew R. "How undocumented workers and illegal aliens affect prejudice toward Mexican immigrants." Social Influence 5.2 (2010): 118-32. Web. 16 Apr. 2017.

Weiner, Merle, and Arthur F. Corwin. "Immigrants--and Immigrants: Perspectives on Mexican Labor Migration to the United States." Contemporary Sociology 9.5 (2015): 722. Web.


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