OCD is the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. This problem affects peoples thinking, their day to day activities and behavior. In some individuals, the problem persists to a point whereby they are forced to perform very complicated rituals, and most of them are always terror-minded. For instance, some of the challenges include one always thinking of doing harm, having intrusive sexual thoughts, having the phobia of contamination, and complex ideas about going against some religious beliefs. Therefore, several methods have contributed to eradicating and controlling the problem. It is clear that the methods re-connect the thoughts, feelings, and the behavior of the victim to recover his or her confidence. (Mind for better mental health, 2013, p.4)
Contribution in the Treatment of Specific Behaviors
According to NHS choices, it is very evident that when the mental problems associated with OCD are not dealt with thoroughly, they can change someones life completely. For instance, Diana has experienced the problem for more than twenty-six years, which is the relatively much extended period. The time she experienced the problem, she was able to overcome it completely later. Therefore, it is very evident that OCD is an issue that may affect someones life for a very long time if not taken care of. Through Diannas experience, it is also evident that OCD problems can be treated entirely through some perspectives; which include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). OCD has at one time affected almost everyone in the whole world. This situation is very dangerous since it affects the persons life as far as their behavior is concerned. According to NHS Choices (2017), it is very clear that OCD is a general problem and therefore can affect anyone at any age. If not dealt with, it is very dangerous. For instance, OCD changed Diana at her tender age of eight years. Her first symptoms were very complicated since she could not step on pavement cracks. Also, she could not explain why she had such a feeling. With the invention of the perspectives to deal with these problems, she was able to regain her confidence once more. Diannas problem was so persistent to a point whereby she would take responsibility for someones life. The problem had also exhausted her for a very long time since she was unable to connect her thoughts, feelings and outcome behavior. She involved herself in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT); which in turn boosted practice in regaining back the control of her mind. The method regained back her active life including the fear of harming her children.
According to Abramowitz (2006, p.406), he argues that OCD is very problematic when not dealt with. He adds that perspectives have also contributed in a broad view to ending cases of OCD. He claims that psychological aspects have worked better in comparison to medication in eradicating cases of OCD and hence restoring the connection among persons thoughts, feelings, and resultant behavior.
According to research by ADAA (c. 2015, p.2), the organization claims that the process of employing this perspective has mostly restored many peoples behaviors and hence a change in their lives. This is because when the problem is experienced by young ages such as Dianna (NHS choices, 2017) it is very persistent and can, in turn, affect the persons entire life hence tempering with their normal functioning. In general, the application of CBT in Diannas treatment changed her way of living. She could not experience the same thoughts she had before, and therefore, her behavior changed to better, and she regained peace of mind. She could not experience the behaviors she had before. All the problems to do with restless nights was over.
Contribution in Treating the Emotional States and New Skills in Helping Others
It is also evident according to Kocys (2013, Pp.101-112) that the OCD problems can be inherited from parents to their young ones. The duty is to know how to control them. In Diannas story, she says that some of her children have inherited the problem from her. Dianna herself has undergone through all the problems and went through the full recovery process. With the knowledge of discovering the symptoms in her children, she is also able to conduct treatment measures on them and other affected people when need her help. Through this evidence, it is clear that psychological perspectives do not only recover the life of the affected person, but also offers general skills on how to deal with OCD problems whenever they arise.
In Diannas story, she was not able to control her emotional feelings. She had negative thoughts about almost everything she came across. For instance, she was not able to withstand the fear of stepping on pavement rocks. It is very clear that after undergoing CBT, all her fears were gone and she was free from OCD. She could also not experience emotions regarding killing her children. Therefore, psychological methods have played a significant role in restoring emotions and the way of approaching situations.
Contribution in the Regaining State of Consciousness
For instance, according to arguments by Wagner (c.2003, Pp.291-305), CBT has been one of the best methods which have been used presently to assist victims of OCD. In the case of Dianna, she had experienced this problem for a very long time. After undergoing CBT, it introduced new skills of facing these problems to her. Its new skills included broadening her mind for her to be able to understand the symptoms and fears and be able to control them confidently. CBT worked to her through reconnecting all her thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Therefore, she became aware that she was undergoing a serious problem that she had to control. She was able to understand herself better. She also became aware of her activities, and more confident than before. From this understanding, Dianna was able to regain her original position of thinking, feeling and behaving. Therefore, through undergoing the CBT, one can recover his or her conscious and hence manage OCD problems.
CBT and Other Methods
On the other hand, Irfan et. al (2012, Pp.65-74) approaches the perspectives in the better way. For instance, he argues that CBT recognizes that human thoughts, feelings, and behavior are all interconnected and hence work together.. The American Psychiatric Association (2007) also claims that all psychological methods of OCD treatment are effective. To better the results, the Association claims that one has to undergo a collaboration of both the psychological techniques and medication. When both are involved, the process of recovery is shortened although the medication process may take longer. It is clear that Dianna had to undergo both methods, but the CBT worked better. Therefore, a significant role played by the Psychological methods is that they are fast and their impact is seen within the shortest recovery period possible.
In general, the psychological perspectives have contributed a lot to reducing cases of OCD. They are fast and very efficient. For instance, Dianna had experienced the OCD problem for a very long time, but the methods were able to restore her mind no matter the period she had experienced. Methods such as CBT work towards changing someones behavior, emotions, and state of consciousness where they can assist the affected person to manage her life again. Therefore, these perspectives have contributed in large part to recovering behaviors and restoring mental states, and helping affected individuals to manage their thoughts and feelings.
Abramowitz, J.S., 2006. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry: The Psychological Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Pp. 407-416. Available at: (http://www.jabramowitz.com/uploads/1/0/4/8/10489300/canjpsychiatryreview.pdf)
ADAA: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, c. 2015. Pp. 2-4. Available at: (https://www.adaa.org/sites/default/files/OCD_adaa%20rev%20506.pdf)
American Psychiatric Association: Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association, 2007. Available online at: (http//www.psych.org/psych_pract/treatg/pg/ prac_ guide.cfm.)
Hiltunen, A.J., and Kocys, E., and Perrin-Wallqvist, E., 2013. Psych Journal 2: Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy, Pp.101-112. Available at: (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pchj.23/pdf)
Irfan, U., And Khalid, S., And Waqar, S., 2012. Pakistan Journal of Pharmacology: Effectiveness of Psychological And Pharmacological Treatments For Obsessive-compulsive Disorder, Vol 28, Pp.65-74. Available at: (http://pakjp.pk/articles/24082011062125.pdf)
Mind for Better Mental Health: Understanding obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), 2013. Pp.4-19. Available at: (https://www.mentalhealth.org.nz/assets/A- Z/Downloads/Understanding-OCD-MIND-UK-2013.pdf)
NHS Choices, 2017. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) - Diana's story. Available at: (http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Obsessive-compulsive- disorder/Pages/Realstoriespage.aspx)
Wagner, A.P., 2003. Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Children and Adolescents with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Available at: (https://www.beckinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/CBT-for-CandA-with- OCD.pdf)
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