Emergency management is the process of looking at preparedness or responding to all aspects of emergencies that affect human nature and committing resources and making responsible efforts to counter all occurrences. It is a state in which involves interruptions of normal procedures which requires prompt actions must be taken to counter the state from becoming disastrous. Initial minimal practice to keep informed about a low risk situation that pose threats and hazards of a disaster whose recovery is hard to make (Parker & Handmer, 2013).
Public safety covers the prevention and response to emergency that is a threat to individuals. Public safety administration is charged with managing public and environmental safety workers, forecasting public safety hazards and work to avert them (Shafritz et al., 2015).
Emergency management involves a key process of identifying the hazardous and threat events that may occur resulting in a disaster. The steps involved include:
Assessment of the environment- this is the major task of identifying with the environmental issues to make sure that all matters pertaining and involving human beings are intact and cannot affect the human habitation. It is a detailed exercise to unearth all possible risks within the surrounding of human being and the environment. In this case much efforts and skills are involved to ensure the collection of sufficient background information is gathered and the relevance of which will lead to conclusive decisions guiding the framework prevention (Robinson et al., 2012).
Planning- this involves making a guideline and putting in place the most essential resources for all the necessary measures need to be taken. This step ensures that no resources have been under committed to the project. It defines all the criteria to be used and the methods to be applied to ensure the smooth running of the project. In preparedness it helps bring together all the combinations of skills and technique requirements for the project. All the attributes of the project are defined at this stage and assignments of tasks and responsibilities and groupings are done at this stage (Cameron et al., 2012).
Monitoring- it defines what should be done to keep alarmed about the described situations. It describes how the signs of dangers may appear and what should be done once they appear. This process gives the warnings to be established and made readily available for human beings to keep observant. It indicates what should be done to ensure human beings are in close understanding of their environment. Trainings are necessary here to alert people on hazardous areas and response to any emergencies. This is the most important part of preparedness and response since involving the human beings in close observation will minimize the chances of disaster occurring since every sign or hazard is fast noticed by the people close to the environment (Robinson et al., 2012).
Evaluation- this is a continuous process involving review of procedures and measures described concerning emergency preparedness and response. The lapse of time must be considered and as things change also there is also a possibility of reversal of some aspects of emergency preparedness. This is enhanced by various researches and developments in technology that support the mechanisms of preparedness and recovery. It also helps learning from previous happenings and analyzing how best the situation was covered and if any challenges that occurred they establish means of addressing them. This marks the greatest point since the levels of preparedness are examined here and recommendations also put forward (Cameron et al., 2012).
The future of emergency management and public safety administration has to face complexities of environmental issues which are more prone to disasters. The concern for environment needs to be largely looked into and sufficient resources commitment to the program. There is need for community engagement to ensure they have a central responsibility to maintain and contribute mitigation efforts. The community needs to be informed about majority of environmental activities that are destructive and also on methods necessary for making good use of environment. The community will have to accept the condition and may be required to adopt a funding mechanism among them to ensure they respond expeditiously to any occurrences without delays that might be caused asking for support (Sylves, 2014).
Emergency management as a priority will involve an awareness program to emphasize on building a consensus among communities and their expectations and contributions to managing emergencies. This is very important as identifications and mitigations will be well enhanced at the local levels. Educating the community will be paramount so that they are to detect fast and respond instantly. There will be need for more knowledge based on the preparedness and recovery mechanisms. This will bring in more involvement of public safety administration. This will form the reliance of mechanisms to the expertise and will make the program most useful to managing all types of emergencies (Haddow et al., 2017).
Finally there will be increased need for ratings and mechanisms for good planning put in place. Planning will be highly recognized especially on risk based and assessments of hazards and the information released to public to keep them alert and may be able to notice hazards as immediate as they occur (Coppola et al., 2017).
In conclusion, the emergency management and public safety administration carries the greatest portion of prevention of disasters. They require much attention though with little cost of running. This should be the most important aspect of planning for environmental measures and improvement. More efforts and resources need to be invested in this phase rather than in disaster management.
Cameron, M. A., Power, R., Robinson, B., & Yin, J. (2012, April). Emergency situation awareness from twitter for crisis management. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on World Wide Web (pp. 695-698). ACM.
Haddow, G., Bullock, J., & Coppola, D. P. (2017). Introduction to emergency management. Butterworth-Heinemann.
Parker, D., & Handmer, J. (2013). Hazard management and emergency planning: perspectives in Britain. Routledge.
Shafritz, J. M., Russell, E. W., & Borick, C. (2015). Introducing public administration. Routledge.
Sylves, R. (2014). Disaster policy and politics: Emergency management and homeland security. CQ Press.
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