Diversity in the workplace occurs when an organization hires individuals who are from different backgrounds and experiences. Employees are from diverse races, religion, cultures, ethnicity, gender, or of different ages and have different personal traits. Because of globalization, there is more interaction between people from diverse backgrounds. The management of diversity in any workplace is important. All employees should acknowledge, understand, accept and appreciate the differences that exist among fellow employees with regards to race, class, gender, disabilities, age and cultures.
It is important that all employees be treated equally and fairly without judgment being made basing on stereotyping. Opportunities should be offered equally and fairly to employees irrespective of their race or ethnicity. They all have to be treated with fairness and the working environment created should be in such a way that it brings together and unites all the employees; making them feel loved and appreciated. In the recruitment of workers, job descriptions should be set up in such a way that applicants are assessed against the same criteria but not because of race.
There are also company policies which try to eradicate discrimination. For instance in promotions, all employees are given equal opportunities and they are not denied promotional chances due to their skin color, race, gender or religion. When it comes to payment, all employees ought to be paid same if they are performing the same role. One should not be paid more because of any discriminatory reasons. Valid reasons for payment of higher salaries to an employee performing the same role compared to another may be due the number of years the employee has been in the company.
There are policies and laws which have been put in place to prevent discrimination in the workplace. However, there is more that can be done to ensure that equality is enhanced. Even with these laws, discrimination is still taking place in the workplace.
Statistics on discrimination
In New Zealand, a study conducted of 17,271 workers showed the following:
While in the US
Rights being represented
This study aims at addressing the rights of people who are being discriminated in their workplaces or who are limited to certain jobs because of their race, religion, ethnicity, gender or any other discriminatory factor. So many people are knowledgeable and have talent but because of the aforementioned issues, they cannot get opportunities to work in certain places. I believe that diversity, if promoted and managed in the right manner, can help companies and employees excel and are successful. There is so much untapped talent that has been overlooked because of discriminatory reasons. Additionally, employees from different cultural backgrounds or ethnicities can bring unique perceptions and ideas which may be beneficial to the company. The pooling of different skills and knowledge of different workers helps companies through enforcing and enhancing the productivity of the organization and the responsiveness to the constantly changing conditions.
Rights of disabilities with regards to employment opportunities have to be addressed as well. Disability is not inability but sadly this is always seen as the case. It is illegal to discriminate people because of their disabilities.
As can be seen from the above graph, employment for disabled Americans has decreased from 50.2% to 41.1% from 1991 to 2010. The gap between the disabled and the non-disabled has increased significantly. This study addresses the rights of the disabled and looks at correcting the situation.
Ethical theory related to the study topic
The rights and needs discussed above belong into several ethical theory categories. The theories that will be analyzed here include; hedonism, natural law and desire satisfaction theory.
Hedonism is a theory that proposes that pleasure and happiness are vital intrinsic goods and the proper aim of human life. Ethical hedonism, on the other hand, is a concept which states that each person has the right to do everything in their power so that they can achieve the highest amount of pleasure that is possible to them. The main reason for the selection of this theory is that it helps in maximizing utility and output. When people are happy, they feel appreciated, needed and wanted, their output will increase. Pure hedonism is a state when all the senses of a particular individual are directed towards the pleasure that the person is feeling. Whether it is in the workplace, in school or whichever field of life a person is in, people will be happy if they are not discriminated in any way. When people are aware that the self-sacrifice, the effort and work put in accomplishing something is paid through having a precious feeling of self-satisfaction, they will be happy. Discrimination creates pain and in other instances leads to depression of the victim. This reduces the output and productivity of the person. Nowadays, it is common to see companies giving their employees vouchers so that they can go for spa treatments, dinner in big restraints and fitness sessions, are these are aimed at making them satisfied which is a concept of hedonism.
Natural Law
Natural law theory stipulates that certain specific rights are inborn through virtue of human nature and have been given by God. These can only be comprehended by human reason. People have been given different talents, capabilities and abilities by God. All the talent in the world does not belong to a certain group of people of people, or one gender, ethnicity, race or people of only one religion. God distributed all these among everyone. Many people are not given the opportunities to showcase the talent and skills that they possess because of discriminatory reasons. Such people, it given the chance, would be beneficial to the company and help it in growing. Their natural ways of being even ethically can help a company. But most companies lose out on natural talents simply because they want to employ people who are from a specific race or gender.
Desire Satisfaction Theory
Desire Satisfaction Theory proposes that the well-being of an individual is the overall level of desire and satisfaction in their lives. This theory says that a persons life is well for him and this only changes when the person fails to get what he wants. When a person gets more and more of what he desires, the person becomes happy. The opposite is true as well, when a person lacks what they desire to have, they tend to be less happy. Many people are aware of what they want and what will make their lives fulfilling. When they know that a particular path will lead to the attainment of their goals and the life they desire, they will strive to work towards their goal irrespective of their race, gender, ethnicity, skin color, religion or any other factor.
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Seligman, M., 2011, Flourish: A New Understanding of Happiness and Well-beingand How to
Achieve Them, Boston & London: Nicholas Brealey.
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