Organization of the US Federal government is in three branches. These are the executive, legislative, and judiciary ("Branches Of Government | Usagov"). In their coexistence, they have over the years, they have shown a clear separation of powers, and yet all of them cut to size by constitutional limits. The executive branch headed by the worlds most powerful president and carries out the duty maintaining law and order. Assisting the head of state are the deputy president, appointed cabinet secretaries and other heads of agencies. Though the presidents have powerful, whatever they have done had the input of the countrys lawmakers.
Making up the Legislative arm of the United States government is the House of Representatives and the Senate. The arm has the sole constitutional mandate to enact laws. Additionally, the two houses can declare war and call for special investigations. As a proof that no one arm of the US government has absolute power, the legislature can Reject or confirm presidential appointments.
The judicial branch of the federal judges and courts interpret laws. Federal judges are an example of presidential Appointees confirmed by the Congress first. The appointees have an unlimited tenure only leaving office upon their death, resignation, or impeachment. The security of mandate acts as a safeguard of a sort from misuse of political power. In the U.S, the Supreme Court is the topranking court addressing all cases appealed from lower courts. Some thirteen US District courts come in second as appellate courts. Other 94 regional US District courts are junior to the courts of appeals.
The constitution of America by the nations founding fathers had the citizens work cut out, that is, to elect preferred officials to represent them in both the legislature and the executive. The outcomes have however presented the American citizenry with mixed fortunes every time. One time, a civil war lasting four years left nothing but death and destruction. Even after the war some people still ventured out seeking what they felt was rightfully theirs. The endeavors of these seemingly small groups became a defining characteristic of the American population. Up to this day, seeking what is rightfully for the American people have constantly been appealing. The trait in the recent times exhibits itself in the current Donald Trumps administration that came into power on the promise of making America great again. Giving back to Americans what they rightfully theirs. The people exercised their constitutional powers and gave the power to deliver their dream to elected men and women. Trying to achieve the dream resulted in a cut on international funding. The action has caused an outrage among the civil society in the developing world. That outrage has however not surpassed the outcry after an attempt to curtail refugee resettlement. Appealing to peoples humanity and offering the hope of Americas diversity can have a real impact in reversing refugee woes. Therefore, an area I would decide to improve by getting involved in politics would be refugee resettlement impasse.
The millennials have grown up in a time United States image as the land of opportunity was at its peak. Additionally, cropping up of terror groups and subsequent wars also defined this period. As a result, nations became more suspicious of people freeing conflicts from all over the world, and American caught the fever too. Such a time would not be the first time for the U.S. Foreman writes that between the year 1791 and 1810, whites, and freed slaves met with similar suspicions on the shores of America. The more than twenty-five thousand refugees were fleeing the Haitian revolution (Foreman, Nicholas). Slave owners and even Thomas Jefferson had their reservations about the event. Dessens says that more than anything, refugees role as agents of rebellion was myth thats been narrated over and over since the early nineteenth century (qtd. in Foreman, Nicholas.) More than two hundred years later, America is at a similar crossroads again.
President Donald Trump Administration slashed refugee levels to less than half the previous administration's values (Lind, Dara). His government announced I would admit up to forty-five thousand refugees starting October for the financial year. This makes the administration most restrictive in the history of refugee resettlement with no tangible results in security or US manufacturing sector. The manufacturing industry is one that would reap big from cheaper labor and open up other areas of the economy. The pursuit of the refugee policy is a counter-productive endeavor. It serves only to give the illusion that the American people no longer believe their delegated power must welcome the worlds most vulnerable population. The persistent is akin to rejecting leadership at the peak of the global refugee crisis. While every other campaign trail promise is a pale shadow of itself, humanitarian commitments are taking a hit.
The refugee resettlement that defined what the US power stand for is the wrong tool for asserting its sovereign power. Scholars have quipped that the most convenient thing the United States would have done is lobbying for the creation of a coalition for the resettlement of refugees. Even though it would probably take on a more significant number of refugees at the start, by leading by example, the United States would rejuvenate the global commitment to burden sharing (Ignatieff, Michael, et al.). The result would be diffusing the vast numbers seeking resettlement in use of other countries. In the end, the weight of refugees would ease on the nation.
Another option the U.S could explore is leveraging support for countries where refugees are fleeing conflict first land. Adequately funding those means the states will ease refugees' access to education and the labor market. As such, U. S humanitarian help moves a level up to for its ability to shore-up refugees self-reliance, but only if the refugees stay in these nations.
In conclusion, forced migration and refugee policies are a mind-blowing political challenge for democratically elected leaders all over. The U.S is no exception. Like any other country, that has not admitted a single refugee from; the U.S has had its leveraging to do too. On the one hand is a delicate act of balance a section of the voters scared of terrorism. On the other, an equally massive population believes their generosity to strangers is both humane and prudent. There is more work to do in attempts to convince the people who delegate power to governments, that the agreed on refugee flows leave the country safer. The right approach would be addressing political resistance to refugee resistance. In a political outfit, appealing to the generosity of the American citizenry would yield the best results. It is conventional world over that the lowest moment in humanity would be turning away people fleeing war and persecution desperately.
Works Cited
"Branches Of Government | Usagov." Usa.Gov, 2017, https://www.usa.gov/branches-of-government.
Foreman, Nicholas. The History of the United States' First Refugee Crisis. Smithsonian.com, Smithsonian Institution, 5 Jan. 2016, www.smithsonianmag.com/history/history-united-states-first-refugee-crisis-180957717/.
Lind, Dara. Donald Trump is breaking a promise America has made to refugees since the Holocaust. Vox, Vox Media, Inc., 3 Oct. 2017, www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/10/3/16379016/trump-refugees.
Ignatieff, Michael et al. "The Refugee and Migration Crisis: Proposals For Action, U.N. Summit 2016." Brookings.Edu, https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/fp_20160912_refugee_migration_crisis.pdf.
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