Essay Example on Types of Executives

Published: 2021-07-28
920 words
4 pages
8 min to read
University of California, Santa Barbara
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The history of different country depicts the nature of the system of government in play. Most nations perceive democracy as a tool to eliminate oppressive government. There are different systems of government that different countries have adopted. I feel that the citizens need a system of government that allows the exercise of democracy. In this case, the presidential system of government is the most desirable because it permits respect of the majority. The focus of this essay is on the types of executives.

The executive is a branch of government, which consists of two main branches. The two main branches of the executives include the parliamentary and the presidential system. The president heads the presidential system of government. The presidential system of government is advantageous because the citizens exercise their democratic rights of electing their leaders. Besides, the president has limited powers to mistreat the citizens because of the supremacy of the constitution. For example, United States is a typical example of the presidential system of government where the electorate has the power to impeach the president in the situation where there is an excessive use of power. The citizens are free to criticize the activities of the president as a way of showing dissatisfaction. On the other hand, the prime minister ran the parliamentary system of government. Britain practices the parliamentary system of government. The legislative branch of the government is responsible for electing the prime ministers. The parliamentary system is adventitious offer the presidential system of government quicker to enact laws. However, there is no separation of powers in the parliamentary system of government. Besides, the system of government does not allow a full exercise of democracy because of the limited representations of the citizens in the office. Few of the countries that exercise the parliamentary system of government have a stable government.

One of the two types of the executives needs reforms to permit an exercise of democratic rights. The parliamentary system of government is not desirable because it limits the participation of the citizens in electing their leaders. Besides, the parliamentary system of government does not allow equality in the representation citizens. As a result, this types of government needs reforms to allow the participation of the citizens in determining their leaders. However, the president system of government does not need reforms because it is democratic. For example, in U.S every citizen can vie for presidential position. In a nation where the presidential system of government is in use, citizens have the freedom to associate with the political party of their choice. For this reason, the presidential system of government does not need reforms.

After reading the chapter

Chapter 10 of the reading has changed my view on the types of executives. Despite the many advantages of the presidential system of government in U.S, there have been more than ten amendments of the U.S constitution. The chapter creates an impression that change is constant and therefore the need for frequent reforms in the presidential system. In the presidential system of government, it is apparent that the president has little influence on the constitution of the country. The chapter enlightens on the roles of the president that in the presidential system of government. The chapter points to the oppressive nature of the prime minister in the parliamentary system of governance (p, 230). The information from the chapter upholds part my belief on the types of the executives. In the text, the president should have little influence on the formulations of the constitution of the country. The chapter enlightens on the implications of the majority in the parliament. For example, when the political affiliations of the president form the majority in the parliament, the president will have a great impact on the laws and policies of the country. The government is more democratic political members of Senate and the national assembly are affiliates of different political parties.

According to the chapter, the American system of government needs reforms. For example, the voter results from the Electoral College and the popular polls should account in the final determination of the winning candidate. The chapter asserts that an ideal government consists of the executive, legislative, and the judiciary (P, 231). The ideas from the chapter resemble the system of governance in the U.S and therefore are no need for reforms. The U.S government follows the provisions of the constitution and therefore there is no reason to diverge from the provisions of the law. For centuries, the American Government is has amended the constitution to protect the sensitive needs of citizens. For this reason, I feel that the American constitution in a continuous process of the Amendment.

My hypothesis is that the presidential system of government in U.S can work in Britain. Britain can conduct a free and fair election to elect their president and other leaders. The electoral process in U.S can work in Britain. Testing hypothesis involves comparing the success of the electoral process in Britain and that of the U.S. The method for testing the hypothesis involves using the questions such as does all the candidate represents the different races. Once the system has worked well in the in Britain then it can work well in the rest of the countries. I believe the results from the comparison shows that the system of government in the U.S can be applicable to other countries.


Dickovick, J. T., & Eastwood, J. (2016). Comparative politics: integrating theories, methods, and cases. New York: Oxford University Press. pages 228-250

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