Environmental Controversy Immigration and Population in the U.S.

Published: 2021-06-29
562 words
3 pages
5 min to read
University of Richmond
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The two articles present conflicting ideologies, in "Illegal Immigration Costs California Taxpayers More Than $25 Billion a Year, Finds FAIR" the author focuses on the expresses that Chicago has to bear due to immigration .The author provides financial figures of what gets down the drain in supporting immigration. In "Why business should speak out on immigrant workers the author put emphasis on their economic significance to Chicago and wants a conducive environment for them. The writer pushes for its legalization and goes ahead to give reasons to support his ideologies. The issue of illegal immigrants has been something of great tussle and a point of controversy in American history of controversy, and it is not an exception here.

How illegal immigration hurts the economy

Reports made by the FAIR site that the federal and national government provides health care, law enforcement, social and government services and education. The cost goes to heights of $25.3 billion per year. The Californians are the ones who have to bear these costs. Despite the tax collection, the system still suffers because there is some deficit that is left unattended to and the American people have to cater for this leading to a burden of $2,370 annually per household. The illegal immigrants take up jobs that would maybe be occupied by American citizens or legal immigrants.

Benefits of illegal immigration to the economy

Apart from illegal immigration being associated with negative impacts, some positive points can be written home about illegal immigration. The illegal immigrants serve to fill the low-wage positions in the economy; locals do not prefer these jobs. Some sectors that include tourism, agriculture, manufacture, service industry, and restaurant and health system will not function without the illegal immigrants. Their contribution to the growth of the economy is tremendous, and without the illegal immigrants, there will be a sharp decline in productivity.

Despite the two authors presenting us with opposing ideologies, they both agree on the fact that illegal immigration exists. The author of "Illegal Immigration Costs California Taxpayers More Than $25 Billion a Year, Finds FAIR" insists on the illegality of the immigration but turns a blind eye to the fact that some advantages accompany it. The other author gives a constructive criticism to immigration but is well aware of consequences that Chicago and America as a whole will have to bear when illegal immigration is stopped. Instead of attributing for its illegalization, the author suggests that reforms address its legalization. The two authors seem to be completely ignoring each other on the concept of whether the illegal immigrants should be in America or not.


The two article are centered on issues that cloud the topic of illegal immigration. The two authors produce completely differing minds, and the readers gather the conflicting opinions of the authors. Legal immigration has been and will continue to be a controversial topic despite the social and economic impacts being clear. With the entry of President Donald Trump into the Whitehouse, all Americans and the whole world stays alerted to see if he will implement the wall that is set to send illegal immigration to the history books. As far as now the waiting game still continues.


PR, N. (2014, June 19). Illegal Immigration Costs California Taxpayers More Than $25 Billion a

Year, Finds FAIR. PR Newswire US.

Hoyt, J. (2004, May 10). Why business should speak out on immigrant workers. Crain's Chicago

Business, 27(19), 11-11. Retrieved April 30, 2017, from Regional Business News database.

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