The actions associated with a leader which shows deviant behavior tendencies such as being abusive, use of tones that are condescending and other forms of volatile behavior, and negatively affects the employee morale. Moreover, it impacts on their emotional stability and productivity in the end. Leaders are the centers of influence within an organization, and as such, the harmful use of their positions irrespective of their justification is unwarranted in the organization environment (Resick et al., 2013). An example of a dysfunctional behavior is the ridiculing the employees in public, comments that may be considered abusive and use of scapegoats are some of the common dysfunctional behaviors that are exercised by those in the leadership positions to the detriment of the organization.
The aim by the leaders to exacerbate such behavior is for personal gain in status or economic compensation to reach the set goals. The consequences of this deviant behavior usually result in low-level of self-esteem among the workers and instances of emotional exhaustion that makes them unproductive and lack passion for their jobs. Consequently, the legitimate interests and aspirations of the investors and other stakeholders of the organization are not attained. It is because the employees may engage in sabotage as a result of distress from leadership that is unsupportive and discriminative, ultimately making the future of such an organization in terms vision and mission unachievable
In conclusion, the main workplace dynamics that can be analyzed as the instance of deviation from the organization culture and power structure involved is by breaking the rules of engagement. This is done by employees who are in the higher cadres in an organization to achieve personal goals such as sexual pleasure. Abusing power is also a factor that is dominant whereby the top managers exercise a lot of unnecessary control on the employees to gain status and respect through intimidation and harassment (Griffin & Moorhead, 2011). Noteworthy, the issues that contribute to dysfunctional behavior within the organization set up are as a result of social, psychological and cultural factors that impact the various personalities in the working environment. The challenges can be alleviated through constant monitoring of the employees to ensure that they co-exist well and furthermore, training them on the need for socialization and cooperative relationship to achieve organizational goals.
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