Myers Briggs personality test is of typological nature. It is one among the many tests used in the corporate world (Coulacoglou & Saklofske, 2017). It has various strengths and also has several weaknesses. To begin with, the test help in the creation of an organized interview session. It facilitates in knowing a person better since it has an inclusive content and thus help managers create a strong team. At a personal level, the test it effective in broadening self-awareness and close self-observation.
However, the test has weaknesses which include the long duration required to complete it. The test is expensive to purchase, and it may not provide definite answers. Instead, the assessment has a limited degree of certainty. It does not tell apart people who have a hybrid of personalities, but instead, it confines them to a category they do not belong.
Comparing the two Tests results and a Personal Opinion Whether or not Myer Briggs Test Own Personality.
The test provided the results INFP also called the mediator in one test and the Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling and perceiving. The test captures my personality to a large extent. For example, the tests indicated that I am intuitive and often get lost in my thoughts which happens to me in various situations. I have a strong sense of wonder which sometimes my friends refer to as advanced delusions.' I tend to see the best in people even when the circumstances of reference do not favor this perspective. I experience emotions deeply and intensely whether positive or negative. When I encounter evil in the world, I often wish and act in a manner to dissolve it and make the world a better place. However, contrary to what test indicated I dont like technical information and prefer doing things with my hands and from a practical perspective and not theoretical.
The results were to a large extent similar and consistent. The score indicates a high level of reliability which is the ability of a test to give the same results over time. Validity defined as the ability of a test to give true information may be considered to be relative, I would consider these tests reliable and valid.
A Summary of a Friends Results, Indicating the Two Tests and the Information About S and I Data
My friends results were ISTJ for Myers-Briggs personality assessment. She scored similar results as the 16F personality test. Both tests are agreeable and accurate as they indicate that she has a strong sense of right and wrong. Accuracy is important to her, and she deeply cares about her areas of interest and her friends. Upon taking up a project, she is consumed by the desire to achieve and dedicates to it total devotion with punctuality and excellence being key drivers. Although she might appear distanced and withdrawn to strangers, she gets close and extroverted as she knows people better. She usually embraces a strategy in fulfilling any of her tasks and keeps the clear timeline with a habit of meeting the deadlines. The test highlighted that her personality type gets frustrated at other people when they display inconsistence behavior, a trait I confirmed that my friend possesses. In her Introversion, she doesnt easily seek out her emotions, and would rather bottle up disappointments unless one asks and insists for her to open up.
For Sensing, it is accurate that my friend is easily attached to things, people, animals and the environment in general. However, she doesnt possess the obsession described by the test. Although she might be disappointed when traditions are altered or changed, she doesnt get too emotional about it but rather becomes disappointed and then gets over it with time.
One Single Trait and one Multiple Trait Tests
The single trait test taken was the Assertiveness Inventory that tests for the level of assertiveness of the test taker. The test consists of 35 items, and each is scored by circling the answer that test describes or agrees with the test takers opinion. Scores are 0-3, and zero means a stone never to the question. One means somehow or sometimes while two means usually and three means entirely.
The multiple traits test used is called the Big Five Personality test and consists of 50 questions. The questions are tailored to measure five aspects or personality traits. The traits are Openness to new experiences, Extraversion and on the opposite extreme introversion, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Agreeableness. The Big Five Personality test is often abbreviated as OCEAN ("Wiley Handbook of Personality Assessment," 2016). The test taker has to respond to the fifty questions and scoring is by marking a statement as inaccurate, neutral or accurate.
A description of the Tests found, what they assess, some items and scoring formula.
Other tests were the Rorschach Personality Test and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. The Rorschach Personality Test does not have a scoring guide but rather measures a personality type by assessing ones perception abilities (Coulacoglou & Saklofske, 2017). The inkblot test requires one to interpret the images presented before them. The Eysenck personality test is tailored to score for extroversion versus introversion using the four personality dimensions i.e. Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic and Phlegmatic. The E score measures the level of Extroversion in a person while the N score measures the level of Neuroticism.
A Brief Summary of Results the Tests with a Comparison to The Myer-Briggs Test.
The test item measuring extroversion and introversion are highly accurate in all the tests. However, some lack the precision that would score the degree and intensity of a trait. The test complements each other and it is commendable how they use different approaches to deliver the personality traits.
Input on improving Myer Briggs Assessment
From a personal perspective, the Myer Briggs should be improved. The test is comprehensive, based on theoretical work and has a high level of validity and reliability. However, it doesnt provide accurate or precise information. The test consumes a lot of time to complete and the results are relevant only to a certain level. For my case and my friends results, the test indicated a higher degree of certain personality than the reality. Scaling and scoring should improve and factor in the intensity of personality traits. Also, it would be thoughtful to device parallel test to use along the Myer Briggs perhaps to provide a comparison test, and present personality types from a different and complementing perspective.
Redo Myer Brigs in one week, do you think test-retest is reliable?
After redoing the test in a weeks time, the results were a similar score. I obtained a score of INFP like the one I scored the first time. From personal experience, the test-retest is reliable. Still, the trait indicated that I am technologically invested which doesnt fit my personality. However, the test is observed to meet its reliability and validity over time although it appears to be slightly lacking in truthfulness.
16personality.com. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://16personality.com/free-personality-test
Coulacoglou, C., & Saklofske, D. H. (2017). Measures of Personality. Psychometrics and Psychological Assessment, 267-289. doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-802219-1.00010-9
Personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.humanmetrics.com/personality
The Wiley Handbook of Personality Assessment. (2016). doi:10.1002/9781119173489
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