The Kingdom of Narnia was a peaceful place where gods and humans lived together. Initially, gods lived in their own kingdom up above the skies where they interacted among themselves. The humankind used to pray a lot, and in their prayers, they asked the gods to dwell among them. Henceforth the gods descended to live with humanity. Though they were superior, they took to human form and looked like big giants. Taking human form meant that they would no longer be immortal, but they would die just like the humans. Both gods and humankind lived together in harmony. Narnia was a big land that stretched far and beyond, but a stone wall surrounded the main kingdom. It had one main entrance that was guarded at all times. The entrance had a big metallic gate that would be rolled down in case of an attack by rival kingdoms. It had two pairs of soldiers guarding it at ground level at all time while a number of them patrolled on top of it. The entrance was always busy with people flowing in and out of the kingdom to trade their goods and services.
Narnia was a community of rich and poor people. The distinction was vivid from the clothes they wore and the houses they lived in. The rich community segregated themselves from the poor and deemed themselves as demi-gods. In this sense, they would own slaves and treat them however they liked. The rich had gold accessories and lived in big mansions, and their clothes were made of silk. Everything about them was prestigious. On the other hand, the poor people worked as slaves and servants in rich peoples houses. They lived in small shacks, and most of them only had one pair of clothes that they wore throughout. They servants though, were lucky as their masters would give them a change of clothes. Despite they believed in their gods so much that they made sculptures of them in the temple. They believed that the gods would bring dead people to life. They made sacrifices to them in the hope that they would be deemed righteous enough to eternal life. Eternal life was a happy place. A place where humankind and gods were equal. It was a place of celebrations with no sorrows at all. Every person wanted eternal life, and for them to have it, they would appease the god of death with gold and silver. This rule had been declared by the king who was a god.
The kings name was Kin; he was the god law, weather, and fate. He determined peoples destiny and purpose in life. He was the overall god. He was old but strong with a huge white beard on his chin. He always carried a rod on his right hand that many thoughts were used to strike lightning in the land when he was angry. Kin had married a beautiful goddess named Zara who was the goddess of childbirth and marriage. She represented the perfect role of a mother and a wife. She was prayed to by barren mothers to help them conceive their desired children. Zara held her family together and solved all family conflicts between her husband and children. Zara and Kin had two handsome boys named Zet and Etka. Etka was the younger brother who diligently obeyed his parents. He had a good at heart and expressed it through his actions. He was strong and mighty and cared for the humankind. As a little boy, he showed courage and braveness through selfless actions for the humanity. Despite his good nature, he was also a ladys man. He was handsome and slightly taller than all other gods. He had big beautiful blue eyes that seemed to spark while he spoke. His strength was in his eyes as he could foretell the future and as a result, he became the god of victory and prophesied. Maidens both human and gods drooled at his presence. His older brother, however, was mean and always got into trouble. He treated the human kind with spite. He felt like his father always favored Etka, and so he got jealous of him.
The two boys were still young when their mother Zara died of a mysterious plague that had invaded the kingdom. King Kin took care of the boys until they were old enough to rule the kingdom. He taught them how to defend the people and grant their wishes and prayers. As it was the custom of the people of Narnia, the older son would inherit the wealth and responsibilities of the family if the father died. King kin did not die, but he had to leave the kingdom to protect it and watch over it from up above the skies but before he left he would crown a new king.
Kin knew that his son Zet would not be a good king as he would reign terror on the people of Narnia and so he decided to crown his youngest son Etka who was always kind to the human population. When Zet heard that the King would crown his brother he plotted to kill him. Etka had just arrived in the castle with his friends to celebrate for he had slain yet another monster that had threatened the kingdom and his brother would take advantage of celebratory mood to kill him. He poisoned Etkas drink and left for his chambers after ordering the palace servant to deliver the drink to his brother. Oblivious to Zet, his father Kin, had seen what he had done and ordered the palace servant to give him the drink. He later summoned Zet to the throne room and asked him why he wanted to kill his brother. Zet defiantly denied the claims causing a scene that attracted his brother and his guests. Kin remained calm as he watched his son make a fool of himself with the now gathered audience. He ordered his palace guard to bring in the servant.
A timid girl walked in with a silver cup in her hands and bowed to the king. Drink in it, the king said calmly directing at Zet. Zet having recognized the maiden began to tremble. If you did not plan to kill your brother, drink it! He commanded. Zet took hold of the cup, looked into it, glanced at his father with fear then stared at his brother and threw the cup on the ground furiously. The throne belongs to me! he barked. In furry Kin divided the land into two and cast Zet into the wilderness while Etka would rule as king of Narnia. Zet swore vengeance to his father and brother and left to build an army as he was the god of war. King ascended to up above where he kept a close watch on his two sons.
Many years passed and nearly all the people in the kingdom of Narnia had forgotten of Zets threat except one old man called Theorem. Theorem had become the kingdoms, madman. He was old and always dirty. His hair was unkempt, and his beard had overgrown. His clothes were ragged and tattered and were often insulted by people as they walked past him. Before his current state, Theorem was a scientist and a philosopher. He was the kingdoms, scientific craftsman. He was highly valued by the army commander as he had invented an explosive powder that had been used in a certain way. He had also tried to invent a flying chart but had failed. Theorems wife had long died after childbirth, and he raised his son on his own. He loved his son very much and named him Aster because of his mothers love of stars. Theorem had even invented a hollow tube through which she looked at the stars. Being a scientist, he did not believe in the gods as much as the other people of Narnia. He always had a way of explaining the unexplainable, and as a result, he did not make sacrifices to the gods. As he raised his son Aster, he taught him very different things that the society did not seem to recognize. He taught his son always to respect the law of nature and always to be good to everyone.
There were many rumors as to why Theorem lost his sense of judgment in the kingdom. Some believed that he blew up his mind as he is trying to experiment with explosives. Others believed he had invented himself into madness. However, only a few knew what had truly happened to him. Before Zet had been banned from the kingdom, Theorem was working on a dangerous experiment that could wipe out the entire kingdom if it was placed in the wrong hands. The tryout would be useful in time of war. He had invented a drug that would make someone invisible. Theorem had thought that during a war, the kingdoms soldiers would then have the upper hand if they could be invisible to the enemy. He had just finished making the drug when Zet stormed into his house and demanded it. Zets eyes were full of anger and pain as he tortured Theorem for the drug. Theorems son, Aster, who was barely 10years old, was in a side room sleeping soundly when Zet grabbed him by the neck and dragged him out of bed. He nearly choked the boy when his father handed him the bottle with the medicine. After receiving the medicine, he dropped the child to its father and crept into the darkness. Since then Theorem stopped inventing and started preaching.
At first, people believed in Theorem, they believed that Zet would fulfill his promise of vengeance but many years passed and the people of Narnia decided to forget the ordeal. Theorem could not forget. How could he, when he had experienced his anger first hand. Despite his bad state, a few people gathered to listen to him once in a while. Theorem told the people of the invisible drug that Zet took. He kept yelling he is among us many times but people did not pay attention to him. He kept saying that the gods should leave Narnia because if the gods fought only the helpless humankind would suffer. According to Theorem, it would be better if they fought in their rightful home where humans did not exist. He also insisted that the passage to eternal life was unfair. For one to get to go to eternal life, one had to appease the god of death with gold and silver. Theorem felt that it was unfair because the rich who were often proud and arrogant would have access to eternal life yet the poor people who were kind and good in the heart would not. Theorem wanted to have that condition changed. The theorem was often ridiculed by children who also threw stones at him. He was a troubled old man but little did the people know that he spoke the truth. He had become so obsessed with the idea of Zets wrath that he neglected his child.
Aster grew up like a street child. His father had drastically changed, and he did not know why. He had to fend for his meals, and as a result, he became a petty thief. He only stole from the rich and often shared his meal with other homeless children. Aster always remembered his fathers teachings of love, kindness, and humility and tried to live by them. Like his father, Aster did not believe in the gods, but he did not proclaim it in public. Aster and his father hardly spoke to each other. Though there were times, Aster would steal food and deliver it to his father who was always in the kingdoms market. As time flew buy Aster grew into a fine young man although he was still a thief. He was vigorous and well-built. He had long hair with curls that dangled on his shoulders. He had a soft skin and not even a beard on his face. His smile was cheeky, and despite the many girls who threw themselves at his feet, Asters heart was only for one girl who worked as a servant in the kings castle. Her name was Dana. Aster would sneak into the palace just to see her. He was crazy for her, and as the swift thief he was, he would go unnoticed.
King Eska had proposed marriage to a goddess of love and beauty called Agape. Every person had been invited to the kings wedding. The whole kingdom was excited. Aster had even stolen an expensive dress from a merchant and taken it to Dana so that she could look pretty during the ceremony. The whole kingdom had gathered to witness the union between the two gods. They brought gifts to the couple, broke into song and dance in celebration. The god of wisdom officiated the wedding, and before the couple could exchange their vows, Zet magically appeared on the stage where the ceremony was taking place. His presence on the stage was unexpected and sent cold chills down Asters spine.
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