Conservation of the Environment - Paper Example

Published: 2021-07-09
828 words
4 pages
7 min to read
University of Richmond
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An environment can be referred to as the factors which have an impact on an organism or creature or as well on the ecological community which tends to determine their survival. They include the physical, biotic and also the chemical factors. Environmental conservation refers to the protection of the natural environment by the government, an individual or the control by an organization which at the end will be of benefit to the humans and animals. According to Donahue a favorable environment plays a great role to its habitats as it provides them with a place to live, provides them with natural resources, it protects the ozone layer, and it also regulates the temperature in the atmosphere.

The first great important reason as to why the environment should be conserved is to protect the Ozone layer. Our skin is protected from getting into contact with the harmful radiations by the Ozone layer that are usually emitted by the sun. These layers are dangerous since they cause human beings to have the disease of skin cancer which can lead to the death of many people. The harmful radiation rays on the sun also tend to make the animals and as well as the animals to have less immunity and also cause damage to the plants. The rays tend to as well reduce Plankton which lives in the ocean hence the Ozone layer should hence be highly protected by ensuring that the industries do not emit harmful gases into the air which will cause the destruction of the Ozone Layer. Chlorofluorocarbons which tend to deplete the Ozone Layer should be avoided. The human health and of other creatures that are living in the universe is of great importance. Everyone wants to live a healthy life, and when the Ozone layer is destructed, it will not be possible for most people to live a healthy life as they can easily get the skin cancer.

The second importance as to why the natural environment should be conserved is because it acts as a home for most of the creatures and animals. A shelter is considered as a basic need to most of the human beings which is also the case for the animals. Some of the animals such as the earthworms live in the soil, and the wild animals live in the forest while others are marine animals hence water acts as their habitat. People should not practice deforestation, and in the case of trees being cut, they should be replaced by the planting of others. Conserving of the environment by not cutting down of trees helps the atmosphere to have a pleasant temperature, the trees and plants despite being a home for many birds also assist in the provision of the oxygen gas which animals and human beings use for breathing hence it helps them to stay alive. Through conservation of the environment through advocating for the reduction of deforestation, it helps reduce soil erosion since through that it will lead to the destruction of other animals habitat and also reduce other pollutants which could be found in the atmosphere.

The third reason as to why we need to conserve the natural environment is because they help in the provision of different resources which assist in making life easier. Human beings tend to use the resources that are available in the environment for their survival. These resources are provided by nature which most of them tend to be natural resources. They use water and also coal which are considered to be some of the natural resources to help them in energy production such as electricity. It is of great importance to them as it helps people to have light in their own homes. Hence it is important for water to be conserved and also reduce its pollution to ensure that it remains fresh so as to continue benefiting from such natural resources. If the environment is not conserved such as contamination of the water by leaking oil pipes, it will cause most of the water to be wasted and will not be suitable for use.

In conclusion, the conservation of the natural environment should be considered important as the environment plays different roles in our lives which are very crucial. It is a home for most of the animals, both the domestic and the wild animals. It is through our natural environment which is properly conserved that we have access to a clean atmosphere and also fresh air which we can breathe. Rules and laws should be set regard to conservation of the environment and those caught polluting or destroying the natural environment should face a penalty. People should be educated on the importance of environmental preservation. Through this, we can conserve the environment. If we dont all join effort towards the protection of the environment, it will lead to the future generation lacking a safe place where they can live.

Works Cited

Donahue, Debra L. Conservation and the Law: A Dictionary. ABC-CLIO, 1998.

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