An unmanned aerial system refers to an aircraft without a pilot who is a human. The research focuses on the various application of UAS and areas of use of UAS. This research essay aims to analyze multiple application of UAS and areas of use of UAS, the benefits of the unmanned aerial system, methods of UAS and challenges that are faced through the use of Unmanned Aerial System. Some of the UAS application areas that are explored in the research are Agriculture, law enforcement, commerce and business, Surveying, photography and recreational. A category of the field of use that is under agriculture involves crop monitoring and insecticide spraying. The UAS application areas under law enforcement are the crime scene, safety monitoring and search and rescue. UAS are used in commerce and business for parcel delivery, aerial surveying, cargo transport passenger transport and light shows. Another area of use is surveying through the application of UAS, areas of use in surveying involve monitoring of various activities like disaster relief. The point of view in the research paper is to learn about numerous and growing UAS applications across the commercial and public sector.
UAS Applications
Since the development of UAS several states have proliferated. The unmanned aerial system has led to the improvement of most technologies like satellite communication. New technology systems have advanced and the growth of many technologies have continued worldwide.
Law Enforcement
Crime Scene Monitoring
UAS respond to the flooded areas by first inspecting if there is any loss of human beings by surveying and rescuing people who are still in the floods. UAS also respond to disasters such as firefighting, they are used to put down fire when the severity of light is at a high risk of destroying properties.
Search and Rescue
UAS are used in search and rescue to help people who are not rescued when a disaster occurs. UAS is used to search and identify criminal who is after robbing. UAS as a technological tool is used by the police department to rescue people from disasters such as: if a constructed house falls then the UAS is used to rescue people who might be inside the building and did not manage to come out.
Safety monitoring
In the United States of America UAS have been used to film essential events like sporting events since the UAS have a more significant movement around the sporting event, unlike the cable mounted cameras that are installed around to the sporting event.
Insecticide Spraying
Farmers in most parts of the world use UAS to spray crops that have been affected by insects. The UAS helps in identifying the areas that have been affected by insects. For instance, the UAS is used to spray the crops, and this minimizes the cost. For example, agricultural agencies that plant crops in a large area prefer applying the technology of UAS to spray crops so that they cannot be invaded with insects, the cost of using the application of UAS is simple since it saves time and money.
Crop Monitoring
Most farmers use Unmanned Aerial System to monitor their crops and other agricultural missions that farmers intend to use. The law enforcement does not provide any permit in the use of Unmanned Aerial System. Example, most farmers who plant grapes consider using Unmanned Aerial System so that instead of predicting when to harvest the grapes they use the Unmanned Aerial System to know the right time to pick the grapes. For instance, the idea of the farmer to use the Unmanned Aerial System is to determine the proper time when all the grapes turn the same color. Another way that the farmer can use the Unmanned Aerial System to determine if the grapes are ready to be picked is also through a fermenting smell that they produce when they are prepared to get harvested.
Film and photography
Most movie producers, filmmakers, and photographers apply the use of UAS in producing digital films. UAS are used for shots this saves money and also reduces the risk for the pilot and the crew of the helicopter. For example, in United States of America UAS are used to film essential events like sporting events. However, UAS have a more considerable movement around the sporting event, unlike the cable mounted cameras that are installed around to the sporting event. Moreover, in 2004, Winter Olympics were recorded using the UAS because the technology was easy and flexible to handle.
Light shows
UAS that are fitted with Liquid Emission Display is used in concerts, parties and education institutions. The UAS is used as a tool of technology used in events as an aerial display. Scientists also use UAS that are equipped with LEDs so that they can use them in their research to give a nightly aerial presentation. For example, scientists use UAS to see shooting stars.
Commerce and Business
Parcel delivery
The best and perfect environment to assess high distribution is for the transport of supplies and product to the remote areas and in different locations. Example Unmanned Aerial System gets applied in the delivery of Amazon customer supplies. At the moment, most products and supplies are sold online through the use of aerial transportation, when looking for some supplies and products various online websites get created that help client to access the good easily. One of the sites that sell products is Amazon. Another application of high delivery through the use of Unmanned Aerial System is the use of parcelcopter to supply medicine in different areas of the world.
Cargo Transport
UAS are constructed using a unique technology that enables transportation of medicine and medical specimens in different parts of the world mostly transporting in and out of the remote and inaccessible areas. Some companies also use UAS in food delivery. An example of the food that is mainly delivered through the use of UAS is pizza. For instance, there are two significant components that unmanned aerial System works best. The first element is that they are excellent for delivery due to the advanced technology that gets currently used; the second component is situational awareness when marketing a product, it is imperative if the owner of the product uses the Unmanned Aerial System to make customers aware of the product that gets sold.
UAS is also used in working installations for inspection if the buildings are well constructed. UAS is, therefore, an essential aspect in the field of the structure since it is cheaper than hiring architecture to supervise if a constructed building because the answers after the survey may not be perfect like the answers of the UAS.
Passenger Transport
Some of the UAS transport passengers to different parts of the world mostly transporting people to areas where no vehicle can be able to access due to the city being remote. UAS has eased work by using the UAV to carry passengers.
Bridge Inspection
Bridge Inspection: Inspections of different structures mostly rely on the physical assessment, and the evaluation needs to get conducted by specialized filed inspectors who have experience on how to use the unmanned aerial system. An example of a structure that gets mostly inspected is a bridge that is under construction. Bridge inspections are Important when under construction or even when not under construction. Bridge inspection is done more correctly through the use of unmanned aerial system because they inspect work perfectly.
Example lets say that your work is to bridge inspections that have been affected by an earthquake has occurred. The best way to solve the solution is to adjacent down the path of traffic by placing a support that can suit the place and let the support swing over to the location of the bridge to the side of the field inspector. Then you will bring all those people down to the site of the field inspector, and thats how a bridge inspection gets done.
After solving the solution of traffic the next step is to apply the Unmanned Aerial System by taking a flight while inspecting under the bridge after an earthquake and enquire all the information that is needed. For instance, all the human beings who carry out the work of bridge inspections know how to carry out the investigations. What they need is visualization so that they can inspect if there is any damage that occurred during the earthquake, if there is corrosion that took place and also if there is something that might have happened to the bridge.
Pipeline Inspection
Pipeline inspection: For commercial use of Unmanned Aircraft System, a pipeline inspection is the best method to apply. However, from the research, it is evidenced that pipeline inspection is a dangerous method to use since the process gets performed by human beings. Through the use of the unmanned aerial system, pipeline inspection is accomplished by use of aircrafts that are low- flying. For instance, the small flying plane is very dangerous to the pilots because of snow. The low-flying crafts are also hazardous to pilots because of wind conditions that are very unsafe to pilots. Moreover, through the use of unmanned aerial system the equipped cameras are used so that there is ease in the performance of activities of pipeline inspection. There are a considerable number of companies that are seeking to use this type of technology when conducting an assessment on pipeline inspection.
However, several doubts that are evolving on how Unmanned System can also be used to handle dangerous activities such as pipeline inspection where the low flying aircraft is very dangerous to the pilots because of snow. The low-flying crafts are also hazardous to pilots because of wind conditions that are very unsafe to pilots. For instance, through the use of the unmanned aerial system, the equipped cameras are used so that there is ease in the performance of activities of pipeline inspection. There are a considerable number of companies that are seeking to use this type of skill when conducting an assessment on pipeline inspection. Research is still done to determine how unmanned aerial systems get used in operations that are dangerous.
Disaster Relief/ Response
UAS are used to respond to disasters that have occurred such as firefighting, flooded areas and return to the flooded areas. UAS react to the flooded areas by first inspecting if there is any loss of human beings by surveying and rescuing rational people who are still in the floods. UAS also respond to disasters such as firefighting, they are used to put down fire when the severance of light is at a high risk of destroying properties. UAS is also applied to rescue people from the natural disaster like an earthquake, they are used to rescue people, and they are also used to survey area where accidents have occurred and how to rescue people who are still in the scene (Rabbath, Camille Alain, and N Lechevin).
Wildfire Management
Wildfire monitoring: Wildfire monitoring is another aspect that uses the application of the unmanned aerial system. However, companies are still testing if the use of the unmanned aerial system is helping in the wildfire sector. Wildfire monitoring in the field of the unmanned aircraft system is used through visualization to acquire information regarding the regions that are dangerous and prone to wildfire and the areas that are most affected by the fires. The unmanned aerial system determines the areas that are mostly affected by wildfires and an immediate monitoring is assessed to enable measures of a wildfire that is approaching.
Oil, gas and mineral exploration
UAS are used to perform geophysical surveys in particular geographical areas. UAS measures earths magnetic strength to hold and support the surface rocks. UAS is also used to calculate the nature of the underlying rocks (Austin, Reg). For instance, through the use of UAS,...
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