Repealing and replacing Obamacare is among the top in Trumps 100-day plan. However, there exist similarities among the two policy for instance in both insurances is allowed to be purchased across the state line. Also in both, there are full deductions in premium taxes, both emphasize on using Health Saving Accounts (HSA). Additionally, they both emphasize on price transparency from health insurers as a requirement and insist on removal of barriers to entry for overseas drug providers. Despite all the similarities, there also exists differences such as the Obamacare policy requires consumers to buy health insurance or else face penalty come the time of tax. This will not be the case in Trump health policy once the Obamacare is repealed. Also, even though applicants have pre-existing medical conditions, the Obamacare requires insurers to accept all applicants.
During the reign of Obama monetary policy was justification and support of highs reached by the administration during the record-setting stock market. Whereas, in the present Trumps reign, his administration is advocating for fiscal policies to provide for stimulation of the countrys economy and the stock market has held on to this hope in driving the stock market to even records that are higher than previously.
Obamas focus was to improve the well-being of Americans which is the same to Trump. Nevertheless, Obama was focused on ensuring all Americans grow together and there is no alleviating inequality among Americans. His policies made a big contribution to ensuring the deal is achieved especially his Buffet Rule. Trump on the other hand his tax reforms despite being great for the Americans; they can make inequality of income among Americans to worsen. Trump hopes to tackle his tax reform plan in a three-way, first dropping corporate income-tax rate to 15% from 35%. Secondly, Trump seeks to give United States multinationals an opportunity to repatriate what amounts to appropriately 2.5 trillion dollars in overseas capital. Lastly, Trump is seeking to completely change the individual income-tax bracket which involves the removal of nearly all deductions and credits and replacing them with higher standard deductions. This creates a problem since most Americans will see their income increasing and most Americans will be paying higher taxes during Trumps era than during the Obamas era.
It is surprising that both Obama and Trump have a common ground on dealing with issues of foreign policy. They are both in the view of that the United States should not be out there, and they view Europeans as free riders. When coming to the issue of their allies, they both believe they can manage, and it does not matter to them if they cannot. Apart from trade which seems to be the only common factor shaping foreign and defense policy decision making between Obama and Trump. Factors that shape Trumps foreign and defense policymaking include Russia, the US Mexico border wall, the Islamic State, and the defense budget.
It is important to notice that when Obama assumed office, he mostly faced domestic challenges compared to Trump who is facing international problems. During Obamas era, Americans were negative in the then present status and future of the countrys economy. Also, unemployment was an issue, and most Americans wished there were better jobs. To add to those other challenges includes a budget deficit of the federal was a concern to most American, dissatisfaction with the government, and issues of healthcare. On the other hand, Trumps seems to be facing international challenges such as the Islamic State which is considered as the greatest foreign threat. Another challenge is Europe, unlike Obama, Trump is unpopular in Europe, and only a few Europeans have expressed confidence in his leadership. Also, China is among the list of challenges facing Trump. Previously, almost all presidents have tried combining three strategies towards China which are engaging Chinese diplomatically, encouraging the growth of large Chinese middle class, and constraining the growth of China as a military power by locating forces in Asia. Trump to go against this tradition since he has referred to China as a currency manipulator and he is thinking of the introduction of new trade barriers against Chinese imports.
Roles of the Branches of the Government in Policy Making
The executive, legislature, and judiciary all have a role to play in the public policy making process. The legislature is responsible for creating public policy and has significant powers when it comes to establishing and achieving the goals and objectives of public policy. The two powers of the legislative branch that make this possible is the power to pass laws and appropriation of funds. Public policy is put into effect by legislation and is made to work through the appropriation of funds to pay for operations and services required for the policy. The executive branch, on the other hand, implements and administers the public policies that were enacted and funded by the legislature. Additionally, the executive can introduce regulations aimed at implementing broader public policy objectives. Finally, the judiciary ensures that the tools used in implementing public policy meet constitutional requirements. Thus, the judiciary has three roles to lay in the area of public policy. These include arbitration between the executive and legislature basing on their constitutional authority and legal responsibility, ensuring that laws and regulations passed by executive and legislature meet constitutional standards and determination of who has the standing to sue a particular case.
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