Forensic Science Essay Examples

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Investigating Fire and Homicide - Essay Sample

The homicide crime scene is one most complex and trivial scene that requires years of practice and experience from an officer for successful investigations to take place....
5 Pages 
(1352 Words)

Use of Insects in Quantification of Drug Content in Corpses - Paper Example

Q1. Critically assess the controversy raging over the use of maggots to test concentration of substances found in the corpse. In your opinion can entomotoxicology be used...
6 Pages 
(1561 Words)

Essay on Emperor of Junk Science: Robert OBlock

Robert OBlock, famously identified as the emperor of junk science was the founder as well as CEO of the American College of Forensic Examiners Institute (ACFEI). Dr. OB...
4 Pages 
(881 Words)

Essay on Non-Porous Evidence Processing

The activities of conducting investigations at the crime scene involve processing, collecting and preserving fingerprint evidence. The surfaces on which the fingerprints are extracted can either be poro...
3 Pages 
(615 Words)

Essay on Computer Forensics in the Twenties

By definition, computer forensics is the practice of collecting, making the analysis and also reporting on digital data in a legally admissible way. In the modern day tod...
6 Pages 
(1499 Words)

Controversial Issues With Child Interviews for Possible Sexual Abuse

There are a lot of controversies related to the interviews that are held with the aim of getting evidence of a child who may have undergone child abuse, consideri...
3 Pages 
(599 Words)

Willingham and Willis Effect on the Fire Services

This report entails the different recommendations generated by reviewers, aimed at improving fire investigations in Texas. These recommendations give arson investigators...
5 Pages 
(1178 Words)

Essay on Forensic Psychology and Ethical Implications

Forensic psychology is arguably one of the most interesting sub-disciplines in the field of psychology. It entails the application of scientific and clinical specialties...
5 Pages 
(1177 Words)