Business Administration Essay on Surviving M&A

Published: 2021-08-02
612 words
3 pages
6 min to read
Wesleyan University
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Article review
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Managers, as well as employees, view the corporate strategy of merger or acquisitions as a disruptive process. It is because postmerger integration Merger and Acquisition is characterized by the increased workload, tension, pressure, and chaos. Furthermore, there is uncertainty about job security; some employees can be reassigned, promoted, relocated or laid off. People tend to fixate on these issues, which are warranted. After a merger and acquisition, approximately 30 percent of employees are deemed redundant. However, focusing too much on the implications of the strategic management decision only distracts one from concentrating on the job.

However, there are ways an employee in one of the companies with mergers and acquisitions can respond to the changes. The first measure is for an employee to focus on the tasks of being less concerned about what is happening around him or her. The second step is for an employee to update the resume and start networking beyond work. The third step is a constructive way employee can cope with M&A. One must be willing to embrace the dynamic integration process and use it as an opportunity for growth. Professionals have a better experience of M&A by following the third step.

Change is inevitable within an organization after a merger and acquisition. Therefore, every person in such an organization should prepare to adjust to any changes. However, one needs to fist conduct SWOT analysis of an M&A to know where he or she stands. One must evaluate his or her strength. In that, the interpersonal skills, technical expertise, and experience of a person could be valuable to the company even after M&A. At the same time, one should evaluate his or her weakness. In that, if one is feeling comfortable with uncertainty or getting along with new employees. Some opportunities come along with M&A. It is up to every individual to see an opportunity for advancement and consolidate his or her effect on the industry. There may be threats of being retrenched because ones role might be duplicative, and that position may be deemed redundant. People like Tom Hall and Jason Richards could not see an opportunity to advance after a SWOT analysis of M&A while Mary Holt saw opportunities.

One should make the most of an M&A experience by seizing growth opportunities by in inserting himself or herself in the process. Most companies that go through the process of M&A create a transition culture whose primary objective ensuring harmonization of procedures. A person that participates in this process can develop collaborative skills and be innovative. Those tasked with the integration process should have a definitive plan that caters for unforeseen obstacles, measures results, and activities necessary to achieve the predetermined goals.

Mergers and Acquisitions have the potential of paving the way for all kinds of innovative ideas. In that, individuals who might not in ordinary circumstances present their ideas to the senior management can present them to the top leadership, which is often noticed. For instance, Mary Holt was involved in the integration process and was able to offer her ideas to the management on ways to improve logistics. As a result, she was named the head of Atlantic operations. An M&A provides an opportunity for an employee like Mary Holt to display collaborative efforts.

It is apparent that M&A can have a severe effect on employees. However, that does not mean that every employee will have to be affected. Every person has an opportunity to evaluate the situation to know where he or she stands and take advantage of opportunities created by M&A.

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