This study focuses on the product quality planning, quality assurance, and oversight measures that organization can take on quality control to ensure its products are the most consumed in the market. The strategies on how, when, the whole product is too close the chasm gap.
The limitation is the cracks in the curve which exist in every phase of the product development. The major break is between the early adopters' and early majority many high tech ventures fail to identify and cross this chasm. Company lacks the know-how of bringing the product to the market.
Project Structure
The organization of this project is as follows: Introduction, literature review, methodology, and summary of findings of the report, discussion, and analysis of results, conclusion.
Literature Review
Reviewing the literature, it is deceptive that the need for quality planning, guarantying assurance, and quality control in a whole product is inevitable. According to Rose, regarding delivering quality in a project, "failure can have devastating immediate and long-term consequences," and "projects continue to be plagued by imprecise quality goals and arcane class methods" (Rose, 2014, p. 3). Everyone in the project delivery team needs to understand what quality planning is? According Moore, G. A. (2014), refers quality as the degree to which set of inherent features fulfill requests. On the other hand, Kerzner (2014, p.1017), definition focused on the need that is demarcated by potential client or customer. Many types of research define quality in unique ways that of set provisions and standards which at the end separate if the quality was achieved and delivered to customer requests. Therefore, each product will have distinct unique and particular quality feature which forms a roadmap quality is a success in a whole product at optimal efforts.
Definition of quality of the project, on how do to plan for delivering of whole product or specifications? How quality planning could be executed, once established. According to, Moore, G. A.( 2014), finds that about 20 to 30 percent of all the work force in the project office could easily be attributed to quality planning. It is important to know what should be incorporated in a quality plan and execution. Besides, that was knowing what types of elements contribute to yield better results if integrated into quality planning methodologies. For this study, the three components of Project Quality Management as outlined by the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) will be used, which include; Quality planning ensures Quality Assurance and Control Quality. Additionally, the study could look at a complete look at project quality management (Rose, 2013, p. 49).
The purpose of the study was to fulfill the course necessities of building and forming whole product marketing strategic research paper focused on finding and itemizing Project Quality planning, assurance, and quality control and reviewing the progressions required for high enactment throughout the whole product life cycle (Moore, G. A., 2014).
To achieve this objective, the team recognized alliance on the entire product to study and explore Project Quality planning as relating marketing high tech product. During this investigation, I examined the three key components of Project Quality planning gaining evidence from numerous project quality planning guides and course book used in entire of this study. The knowledge added from these bases provided surveys, real sector familiarity examples, and consultations. I analyzed the data provided by recitation and concise the data, ascertaining the associations and dissimilarities, and compare the different types of essential constituents of the whole product. Although I was in located in various in places, I succeeded to link and analyze my study by organized symposium emails and calls. Eventually, I was able to accomplish this assignment by employing Google, and Docs Google Drive shared folders for cooperatively creating a study paper and final polishing.
Summary of Findings
Quality planning
Quality planning is the process that commences at the start of the Project to ascertain and define the quality plan needs of the whole product. This stage of quality planners are devoted to creating the plan for all of the quality applications, processes, and requests involved with accomplishing whole product that meets the expectations of according of customers and stakeholders. Tools that can be integrated into the quality plan include cause-effect illustrations, process maps, specs, Pareto diagrams, histograms, scatter diagrams and charts.
The quality plan management is created at the start of whole product planning phase and should include all of the quality requirements and standards set out in the project scope and by customers' specifications. According to Rose (2013, p.69), finds that quality Planning in most cases it involves culture, social, or other factors in addition to technical factors. Moore, G. A. (2014) asserts that Planning for the quality of the whole product should go hand in hand with other planning phases ( schedule, cost, and risk planning) so that considerations of full product deliverables can be replicated across all aspects of the whole product plan.
Plan Quality Executive performs many deliverables, majorly the quality planning process, the process enhancement plan, quality metrics, and quality checklists, as applicable to the whole product. The quality management plan is a portion of the project master plan and addresses how the project team will meet the quality requirements of the project. The quality plan can be personalized to a product so that it best describes the quality requirements of deliverables that enable to cross the gap of a chasm.
Execute Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance means restoring of confidence that quality specification will be achieved. Quality assurance is within to project managers and visible to customers and shareholders. Quality assurance activities are the things project managers will perform a check project performance against the whole product plan using requirements as the objective (Rose, 2014, p. 75). Quality Assurance is purposely done to increase the confidence among consumer on a likelihood of delivering a product.
In the execution phase, the quality audit is used to examine the effectiveness of quality assurance activities. Rose (2014, p.78), claims that audit is a systematic review of performance against the plan. Auditing plays a part in the quality assurance function in whole product development. Quality assurance plays an important role when comparing actual situations with specifications and report this to the board. Defining the niche market may use obtained results from quality control to determine if quality assurance activities are incorporated to the desired customer specifications. As customers' requests for modification, the problem is always on how management can close the chasm. Updating the organizational processes and standards to close the chasm is necessary since this enables the organization gets to another phase which results in new customers'.
Quality Control
Quality control refers to the monitoring process and recording results and performing the quality activities to assess performance and recommend needed changes. The function of Quality Control is to investigate the work that is being completed and compare if Quality Assurance process is performing as intended. Quality Control theoretically can help meet and close early adopters phase and early majority, thus contributes to getting the new niche in the market. Quality Control is part of the overall whole product Plan and works with Quality Assurance to help acquire new market segment. Quality Control is done the Executing, Monitoring & Controlling, and Closing chasm. However, if problems on meeting new customer specifications, then data obtained through the Quality Control process could help govern what needs improvement, why the deliverable is not meeting quality standards, and how this issue can be corrected, ideally before it is too late to save the fate of the whole product (Rose, 2014, p. 83). Any final errors that were not caught earlier may be in the process of rework in the Closing chasm (Moore, G. A., 2014).
Data collection plays excellent output and deliverable for the Quality Control process. The data collected through Quality Control provide pointers of whether or not marketing team is delivering quality to the required specifications, and provides a tool for the Quality Assurance group and analysis du...
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