Defining the concept of terrorism is often controversial depending on either subjective or objective reasoning about it. In essence, the point of view of terrorism is a pertinent determinant of how an individual defines it. For instance, terrorism can be used to refer to a dreadful occurrence such as if a person attacks a group for a stake. Such an act can easily pass for terrorism. In a broader sense, an individual who commits a deadly attack not only to kill but also ends up taking his or her life is also seen as committing an act of terrorism.
Conceivably, the definition of terrorism varies within different contexts. An act that deliberately targets an individual or group of people to cause an ultimate loss of life and inflicting a sense of fear to the public amounts to terrorism. However, if these conceptions are taken to show what terrorism is, attackers, and a different magnitude of threats caused during such attack. Therefore, the most they further diminish the ability to develop a consistent definition of terrorism. The activity also continues to transform with increasing sophistication of weapons used, the emergence of suicidal conclusive and unifying definition of terrorism is the dictionary one. Thus, terrorism can be defined as the unlawful act of violence against individual, public, or state motivated by the urge of inflicting pain or revenge.
The use of force is exhibited as a means of achieving a particular goal; there is a different dimension of terrorism depending on the reason perceived as the interest of the terror organizers. For various reasons, terror act can be done due to the following reasons, religious differences, and the urge to do wrong or hatred among groups or individuals. So what are the reasons as to why it is hard to define terrorism? It expresses itself in different connotation, how do one draw a line between terrorism and rebellion is also difficult to identify though it is accepted that any terror act contravening the law, is an act of terrorism. However, the definition seems too broad, and the cliche that one mans terrorist, could be another mans fighter for freedom assumes the definition and perception. Consequently, it is likely the term will forever have no universal definition.
Terrorism remains one of the global concern; its control has been a challenge too. Due to several factors such as the use of modern technology and the mindset of human being that would drive one to join such a group, it remains a misery to the whole world. The threat that terrorist unleashes to the nations, is by greater extent contributes to the sustainable backtracking of economy development in the countries worldwide, the control also does not have a particular approach making it a great plague on the era of humanity.
Terrorism and Technology
Technology is the proficiency in making work easier; this includes the use of sophisticated machines for storage and remittance of information. Terrorism thrives well by gaining crucial information of the targeted group or institution as they conceal their plans as well as undertakings. Terrorism in the current times involves the use of a sophisticated machine that that can destroy property and cause havoc to humanity. Technology is one of the one of the world's common foundation; it governs the world and its dynamics thus it is evident the terrorism would have to benefit from it. It is a difficult period to live, terrorism threat the whole society and diverse culture on a global scale. As opposed to the past where terrorism was a nation's risk, it has today taken a global dimension as intelligence and law enforcers worldwide are issuing a warning about a possible terrorist attack in the major world cities.
Terrorism currently, has made an instant and ambushing mode, it portrays itself as a global threat hitting its target but equally, present itself to the audience due to technology that makes it brings terror to homes. One of the most exploited platforms is the cyberspace which is an environment that presents itself with no boundaries. It offers an information-hiding place for a terrorist to source their resources and make their propaganda jibes as they plan on where to strike. In addition to this, social media is another essential element from which modern terrorism thrive. This platform permits terrorists to pass information spreading their propaganda and as well recruit new sympathizers. This present how the terrorist attack is so dramatic in nature and the internet set a stage to its achievement. Terrorism acts are more often than not, choreographed carefully attracting the attention of the electronic media. An example of the many groups who are active on the web include Hamas, which is an Islamic Resistance Movement amongst other, as one surfs the web, it is easier to find materials and information spread by this terrorist. The fact presents a case that terrorist groups and organizations are increasingly on the lookout to the internet.
The spread of propaganda is one the terrorist activities targeting their group. To this effect, propaganda becomes a better tool in hand to instill fear among the targeted group; internet fully offers a platform to spread information. Groups such as ISIS demonstrated this mastery of technology alongside a well-planned technique of communication. In every attempt to actual attack, videos are properly prepared to show the ruthless nature of the group; these videos aims at reaching a broad audience. Still, on the internet, terrorism materials on training to become a terrorist are at the users disposal, it is possible to find many training materials such as instructions to prepare chemical weapons and bombs. Some have also been fund-containing methods of kidnapping and torture techniques; all these are made available by technology
As much as blames are laid on technology, it has presented itself as a tool to combat terror at the same time, the information regarding terrorism and terror has been made available to the audience at a faster rate. Technology, therefore, makes the mass aware of terror activities, and the possible measures to take; besides the public is sensitized.
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