Marijuana or marihuana is the name given to the cannabis plant and more specifically the drug that is prepared from it. Marijuana as a word has different uses, legal applications, and definition all over the world. Some parts of the world deem marijuana to be the entirety of the Cannabis sativa plant or any section of it whereas others refer to bhang as a part of the cannabis plant that is characterized by a high level of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The legalization of marijuana will bring about the more responsible use of the drug.
In many parts of this planet, marijuana has been used albeit used illegally most of the time and legally for medical purposes. Most world governments have been challenged by the irresponsible use of marijuana because users develop a high tendency of crime and cease from socially responsible behavior; it is for this reason that the governments have been against the use of the drug (Art, 29).
An argument for the legalization of marijuana, mostly among the youth and the middle-aged, posits that it can be used as an analgesic and also as a stress reliever. Besides, this argument affirms that in as much as many criminals use the drug; it is by no means a connotation that the drug causes criminal tendencies since the legalization policy has worked in Jamaica where fairly normal individuals make use of marijuana. It is also worth mentioning that proponents of Marijuana use have used several advantages of marijuana so as to ward off any rebuttals to the claim to realize it; some of the reasons given to advocate for the use of the drug include the fact that it has been successful in treating nausea linked with chemotherapy treatments and raising the appetite of individuals suffering from acute illnesses.
Above all, the illegalization of bhang has also been expensive to many world governments; the cat and mouse games between police officers and peddlers have weighed in on government funds and the capacity of the law enforcement officers to tackle other crimes such as human trafficking, homicide and the like. The questions directed to law enforcement and task forces such as the DEA revolve around arguments that say "why ban marijuana yet make drugs such as cigarettes and alcohol to be legal.
All things considered, it is only befitting for bhang to be legalized because it is ethically right for individuals to make their personal choices when it comes to matters affecting their livelihoods. It is no use to ban the drug yet anyone who wants to get easy access to the drug can do so. There are far much greater evils that world countries should be addressing save for the usage of bhang (Marco, 75).
The fact that corporations are becoming more open to the use of marijuana is enough that there is nothing faulty with this particular drug. There has been no fancy board of medical practitioners that convened together and using medical research and scientific experiments, made a declaration that marijuana is a harmful drug and thus ought to be banned altogether.
From an appeal to ethos, those looking for marijuana to be approved believe that the prohibition on marijuana is not mainly due to its harmful side effects but a question of power i.e. the authorities have deemed it fit to ban the drug. The reason why the drug is prohibited is also due to longstanding and biased reasons. These include racism; sensationalistic journalism and the timber industry are reasons why the drug is banned today. Racism because marijuana has for a long time been regarded as a drug used by African American and Mexican degenerates; imperial whites also suggested that the usage of bhang is the reason why white women got into relationships with black men. Finally, the timber industry had investors that feared hemp could take over the industry because it can produce paper; it is for this reason that hemp usage has not been welcome (Alain and Yancy, 77)
In essence, it will be much better if Marijuana is legalized in most world countries because that way there will not be a high or an excitement of using it. The legalization of the drug will not have a negative effect than one that has not already been seen so far; this is because users or junkies can get a fix each and every time that they want to. Moreover, the bad press that marijuana has been getting from sensationalistic journalism is reason enough why so many people will take an interest in the drug. Great Gatsbys example; a bootlegger who created alcohol and sold it during prohibition is an example of a drug (alcohol) dealer that was very successful in his trade; a sure way of showing people will always supply the needs of the public.
Conclusively, if marijuana is legalized and then regulated, it will be successfully kept out of the hands of high school teenagers and irresponsible usage. The government, however, ought to have meaningful awareness dialogue with all citizens within its jurisdiction and inform them of what takes place when bhang is consumed and what the drug can probably do in the very end. Giving this explanation to people; both ardent users and prospective users will help people use bhang more responsibly if they so wish to make use of it.
Works Cited
Joffe, Alain, and W. Samuel, Yancy. Legalization of Marijuana: Potential Impact on Youths. Pediatrics Journal 113.6 (2014): e632-e638.
Leyton, Marco. Legalizing Marijuana. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience 41.2 (2016): 75-76. Web
Swift, Art. For the First Time, Americans Favor Legalizing Marijuana. Gallup Politics (2013)
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