Torabi, S. A. (2015). Implementing Recommended Perioperative Pain Practice Guidelines for Incorporating Intravenous AcetaminophenTorabi, S. A. (2015). Implementing Recommended Perioperative Pain Practice Guidelines for Incorporating Intravenous Acetaminophen.
This is an article on the optimization of peri-operative management of painpain. It presents an importance and presents its importance in thethe decreasing of adverse outcomes in patients that have undergone surgery. managementand decrease of the adverse outcomes and feedbacks in the surgical operations.The article also presents recommendations for on the peri-operative practices on pains through the intervention and incorporation of the intravenous acetaminophen as analgesia. The article adopts the application of Lewis theory of change to drive its point home, a theory that guides the strategies for to the attainment of the changes in perioperative pain guidelines. The article also makes use of Chi-Square to analyze the data obtained from surgical patients and comes up withwith information about how long the patient has stayed in the hospital and their clinical statistics .The author of the article gives analytic data on the use of perioperative management which gives the reader a sense of trust .The author mentions the differentmethods of analysis used including chi square and a paired t-test.The author goes ahead and makes their research authentic by citing his source of information which are numerous.a demographic statistics that define the clinical characteristics of the journal.The article can be trusted with reliability since the author appears to be credible. This is proved by for instance the number of sources to which he referred his articles. The author has also written some articles hence is credible. Thisarticle is significant and authentic based on the weight and depth of the content, backed by scientific findings and literature. Besides, its relevance to this case is not only basedpegged on the non-analgesic nature of the drug but also on the painless nature of the medication regarding insofar as the management of pains as well as the concepts of pain management is concerned.
Turkoski, B. J. (2015). Acetaminophen by iInfusion. Topics in Pain Management, 30(12), 1-5.
Turkoski (2015), the author of the CME article titled "Topics in Pain Management," describesthe pharmacokinetics of the acetaminophen and the history of the development of the drugsame. Furthermore, the author of the article proceeds by identifying guidelines, benefits, and when to use acetaminophen injectioncautions of the administration against the use of OFIRMEV.The relevance of the article is not only based onof this article to this case is not only pegged on the nonsalicylateno salicylate analgesic nature of the drug but also on the antipyretic and nonsteroidal nature of the medication in regulating pain managing painsas well as the concepts of pain management. The author goes ahead and gives an insight on when to use the drug.First, managing mild and moderate pain and not extreme pains.Second, reduction of fever in children above two years and adults and finally the drug is used together with opioidanalgesic to manage extreme painThe article further explainfsexplains the modalities of IV Acetaminophen and compares the effectiveness of the drug when ingested orally or through the rectal.sameto the rectal and oral counterparts. The authenticity of this article, as well as its applicability, can be verified verified by the sources the author gives and how well he explains when the acetaminophen drug should be taken. and given its content and meticulous articulation of scientific facts given the medical background and depth. The article also addresses, among other things, the addictive aspects of drugs, provides an alternative of the drugalternative to the samesame, and also looks at the reduction mechanisms of fever in adults and children. The article was adapted from the Orthopedic Nursing. Conclusively, the article has succeeded to offer best insights on the management of pain and gives an in-depth analysis of the drug.
Torabi, S. A. (2015). Implementing Recommended Perioperative Pain Practice Guidelines for Incorporating Intravenous Acetaminophen.
Turkoski, B. J. (2015). Acetaminophen by Infusion. Topics in Pain Management, 30(12), 1-5.
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