Lugo-Lugo, Carmen R. and Bloodsworth-Lugo, Mary K. (2014) "Anchor/Terror Babies and Latina Bodies: Immigration Rhetoric in the 21st Century and the Feminization of Terrorism," Journal of Interdisciplinary Feminist Thought: Vol. 8 : Iss. 1 , Article 1.
In the above article by Carmen and Mary, the two authors attempt to expound more on the immigration debate. Even though the two authors primary focus is on Latina women and their babies, they give a detailed picture of the broad discussion and all anchor babies in general, emphasizing on correcting the term illegal anchor babies as there is no such thing. The article further describes the different reasons why immigrants and their families have been seen as a threat to the livelihood of the Americans. According to the article, the security threats and the negative attitudes towards the immigrants came about after the September 11th attack in 2011. Since the attack, all immigrants and mainly the Latinas have been profiled as terrorists and marked as threats to the stability and security of the United States as a whole.
This article gives a lot of meaning to the topic and directly connects women immigrants as well as their babies, which is the subject of the topic, to terrorism and destruction which further augments the challenges these babies and their families face throughout their stay in the foreign country. Even before birth these children as perceived as threats, and this makes them have to work twice as hard to prove themselves. The article, therefore, gives support and shows some of the contexts in which some of these challenges arise, taking into consideration both sides of the debate and weighing their rationale. The link between anchor babies, and issues surrounding illegality, immigration and citizenship is clearly portrayed in this article.
Rivera, Geraldo. Hispanic: Why Americans Fear Hispanics in the US New York: Celebra, 2009. Print.
Why Americans Fear Hispanics in the US New York is a book that is authored by Rivera Geraldo. It was published in the year 2009. In the above book, Rivera who is a journalist takes a look at the growing population of the Hispanic people in The United States. He further connects this to the controversial notion of terrorism and insecurity and how these created opinions have impacted the minority groups living the United States. Riveras personal story gives additional meaning to the struggle anchor babies, and their families undergo to fit in and make it the foreign country all the barriers in their way.
The book supports the topic on anchor babies challenges as Rivera, narrates his own personal struggles. It addresses additional issues such as fear of immigrants taking over jobs from Americans, dilution of their culture and language among others. Even though there are some valid reasons on the fear of immigrants, the book acknowledges these incidents as opposed to watering them down but explains that not all the immigrants are in gangs hence posing a security threat to the Americans. The book portrays the notions against Hispanics and other immigrants and their families as prejudice and racist and advocates for changes not only in attitude but also policies that protect anchor babies since they are legal citizens as well as their families. Rivera gives both context and narrations of information that supports the challenges faced by anchor babies in their quest for citizenship and other privileges that should be accorded to them.
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