The article How to Find Happiness on Social Networks by Philip Moeller examines the role of social networks in peoples lives. Based on the structure and general language features I believe that this article is an informative article or text. The author, Moeller, intended to inform his readers of the roles and significance of social networks in the contemporary society. I argue that the article is an informative text because of the following reasons that will be discussed in detail in the next sections: clear opening; interesting and easy to read the layout; use of the present tense; specific and general information regarding the topic; the use of rhetoric questions to engage the readers interests; and specific examples.
Moeller uses a clear opening in the article to introduce the readers to the information about the topic. He starts with the general information about the topic and moves to specific information regarding the subject matter. As Rebecca Cooper explains, an informative article informs the audience or reader providing detailed information regarding the topic or subject matter. Moeller explains the development of social science 40 years ago in which the social scientists started to examine the way people relate to each other. He provides facts by explaining that the discovery of the early social scientists was that diversity and other social networks connection directly influence people in different aspects. For instance, it influences the health, happiness, and longevity of individuals. His facts are also supported by other writers who also extend on explaining the influence of social networks. According to Christakis and Fowler (2017), social networks have clusters of both happy and unhappy impacts on people. The arguments of the two authors resonate with Moellers explanation on the level of influence that social networks have on the well-being of people. Christakis and Fowler (2017) explain that peoples happiness is related to their friends happiness.
The language context that Moeller has employed in writing shows that the text is an informative article and not persuasive or entertaining. The author has mainly used facts in writing the article and not opinion-based arguments. He acknowledges the other scholars while constructing his arguments. For instance, when he is explaining the development of social networks he cites Cohens research that explores the influence of social factors on peoples well-being. Moeller does not make claims that are not justifiable or concrete. According to Duke and Bennett-Armistead (2003), the authors information should employ different structures to help the reader find the information quickly. Every claim that Moeller in the article makes is concrete because it is supported by credible and reliable information. This means that the author does not make opinion-based claims but instead rely on facts that have been proven and studied by professionals such as Cohen and Claude Fischer. He cites from the works of the above-mentioned writers; thus, giving his work credibility and intent to inform the audience. For instance, when he is explaining the divisions of network relationships he cites from Claude Fischers work. However, this does not mean that Moeller has not made opinion-based or personal claims in the article. He has used the first person aspect to provide the general opinion regarding the publics perception of the topic; thus, it does not affect the credibility of his work or intent to inform the audience.
Furthermore, personal or opinion-based arguments are accepted in informative articles or text; however, it depends on the subject matter. In this case, the subject matter which seems to be concerned with the issues affecting people at a personal level which makes it suitable and appropriate to use the personal pronouns like Moeller has used to write our relationships tend to be reciprocal with the intent of making the audience resonate with the topic at a personal level. Therefore, it would be wrong to claim that his use of personal pronoun has affected the credibility and aim of the paper which is to inform the audience. In fact, it is even better to say that the integration of personal aspects in the topic helps him improve the delivery of the content because the audience is able to resonate or relate with the subject matter at personal levels. This is one of the key roles of writing an informative text; to inform the audience at the individual level. Since the text is read by different people at the individual level, it is better to make them feel part of the problem and solution as well.
Moeller has furthered the intent of this article through the use of rhetorical questions that has enabled him to engage the audience or readers interests. IN the second paragraph of the article, he asks four rhetorical questions such as Are you married? Do you belong to social groups? Do you belong to a church? Do you have friends? which are all aimed at engaging the readers interest. An informative text should be able to engage readers because the author intends that they get the information. Unlike the entertainment texts that are read for fun and the reader or audience may not have the interest to read, informative text readers need to attentive and engage their concentration in the subject matter. Therefore, Moellers use of rhetorical questions in the second paragraph of the article is a good and clear illustration that the text is intended to inform the audience.
Cooper (2017) explains that an informative article should be able to cover all pertinent details by answering the questions, who, what, and when? According to Cooper (2017), answering the question who requires the author to identify people involved. In Moellers article he has identified the people involved in the topic; for example, the social scientists, sociologists like Claude Fischer and social network experts like Cohen. Therefore, he is able to answer the question who. The question what examines the history of the subject and the changes that have happened over the years. Moeller has effectively fulfilled this requirement when he explains the development of social networks from 40 years ago. He provides a brief history to explain the development of social networks and its influence on peoples well-being. The author explains that the issue of social networks started over 40 years ago with the social scientists commencing to look deeply at the way people relate to each other (Moeller, 2012). The question when explains the pertinent dates regarding the topic to help provide the historical development aspects of the topic. Moeller (2017) explains the development of online dating services that started 20 years ago. Since all the pertinent questions have been answered in this article, Moellers work, therefore, qualifies as an informative text.
The article has been organized in a good layout that makes the readers or audience get the interest to read. The article is not very long or too short that makes it difficult to read. The author has organized the arguments into small and manageable paragraphs. The use of simple words or vocabulary makes the text easy to read by all sorts of audience. A college student, high school student, and someone working can all read the content and relate to it.
After reading the article How to Find Happiness on Social Networks by Philip Moeller I deduced that the author wanted to inform the audience on the role and influence of social networks on their well-being. He starts with the description of how the concept of social networks started over 40 years ago while highlighting some of the important facts regarding its influence. Citing from Cohen, Moeller explains that social ties influence individuals well-being. For instance, it is able to predict the diseases such as cardiovascular and its recovery rates. It also predicts the progress of cancer, cognitive functions, and the common cold. All these are aspects of our well-being and since social networks have such great influence it means that it is directly influencing our lives. Apart from the influence that the social networks have on the well-being of people, I also believe that Moellers article explains the importance of social networks. In the last paragraph, Moeller explains that social networks can help protect people from negative events. Social networks create some sense of security and safety for the people involved. As Moeller explains having people who are able to provide help when one needs it is important. This idea is also supported by Carter (2012) who argues that social networks make people feel more connected and less lonely. As a result, it has become an integral part of peoples daily lives.
In conclusion, the article How to Find Happiness on Social Networks by Philip Moeller is an informative text. The evidence presented and discussed above regarding the features of an informative text shows that the article intended to inform the audience. This article has examined the key language and articles structure which all present the requirements for an informative text. Some of the highlighted and mentioned features include present tense, presentation of facts, the use of rhetorical questions to help engage the readers interest, clear opening, general and specific information about the topic, and the good layout that makes it easy to read.
Carter, C. (May 21, 2012). Three Ways to Find Happiness on Facebook. Great Good Magazine. Retrieved from https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/safe_online2
Cooper, R. (2017). What are Informative Articles? Classroom. Retrieved from http://classroom.synonym.com/informative-articles-8451599.htmlChristakis, A. N. & Fowler, J. (December 13, 2017). Social Networks and Happiness. Edge. Retrieved from https://www.edge.org/conversation/nicholas_a_christakis-james_fowler-social-networks-and-happiness
Duke, N. K., & Bennett-Armistead, V. S. (2003). Reading & writing informational text in the primary grades. Scholastic Teaching Resources.
Moeller, P. (March 16, 2012). How to Find Happiness on Social Networks. U.S News. Retrieved from https://money.usnews.com/money/personal-finance/articles/2012/03/16/how-to-find-happiness-on-social-networks
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