Adding Efficiency in Hotels by Switching Live Wakeup Calls to Automated: An Analytical Report

Published: 2021-06-30
1508 words
6 pages
13 min to read
Vanderbilt University
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On April 1, 2017, Mr. John Campbell asked me to explore the possibilities of doing an operating system for wake up calls. LTD has a series of problems in complaints that must be addressed. The existing problems cost the business numerous customers resulting to a downfall of the revenue. A majority of the customers failed to attend their schedules on time and preferred using the services of the competitors offering better services at the same cost. Mr. John Campbell sought to find a solution to the problem and in return increase the revenue stream of the business. We performed a research and the findings showed that an automated wakeup call system would help solve the existing problems. The automated wakeup call system solves all the problems mentioned above. Additionally, the automated wakeup call system comes with extra advantages such as customization of the automatic wakeup call such as the system asking you to solve a puzzle to ensure you are awake, option for multiple languages as per the guests preferences, reliability, voice reminders for appointments, and an option for special messages on special days. We highly recommend that company LTD adopts the automated wakeup call system as it would reduce the revenue loss incurred and increase the guests and front desk agents satisfaction.

KEYWORDS: Automated, wakeup, calls, live

Body of Report


On April 1, 2017, Mr. John Campbell asked me to explore the possibilities of doing an operating system for wakeup calls. LTD has a series of problems in complaints that must be addressed. The existing problems cost the business numerous customers resulting to a downfall of the revenue. A majority of the customers failed to attend their schedules on time and preferred using the services of the competitors offering better services at the same cost. Mr. John Campbell sought to find a solution to the problem and in return increase the revenue stream of the business. According to researchers, supply and demand must be at par to attain the best results. The business was not supplying adequate supplies in terms of service compared to the demands of the customers. Additionally, the front desk agents had a difficult time dealing with some of the customers resulting to an increase in job resignations.

Currently, when the front desk agents are checking in guests, they are required to ask every guest if they would like a wakeup call. If the guest agrees, the agent is supposed to enter in the system the details which are then printed at the end of the night and handed over to the next agent in shift. The next agent in the shift is supposed to call the guest at the appropriate time ("How to Handle Wake-up Call in Hotel", 2010). In case the guest does not pick the call, the agent is required to call back after 15 minutes and if the guest fails to answer again, the agent should send someone to knock at the guests door. As it is the norm, not all people are the same; not all people like being interrupted in their sleep. The existence of such guests brings in the problem, especially when someone is sent to knock at their door.

Wakeup Call (Toons, 2016)

Additionally, some guests do not like picking up the calls and instead wake up and the agent is unaware. When someone is sent over to knock at their door, the guests get irritated and complaints start flowing. Other guests just pick the call and hang up. As human is to error, there are minor cases where the agents forget to call the guests resulting to the guests missing important schedules such as flights, meetings, dates, and much more ("5 Star hotel misses wake-up call... what would you do? - Las Vegas Forum - TripAdvisor", 2008). Mr. John Campbell believes that if there is an automated system in place, it would reduce the numerous cases of guest complaints that affect the business negatively. There would be no cases of agents forgetting to call the guests, and the guests would not have a reason to complain for failing to pick their calls.

An automated wakeup call service has numerous advantages according to research (Trejos, 2013). Some of the advantages include customization of the automatic wakeup call such as the system asking you to solve a puzzle to ensure you are awake, option for multiple languages as per the guests preferences, reliability, voice reminders for appointments, option for special messages on special days and much more. When it comes to the business, there is a reduction of the liabilities it has on guests and the agents get to focus on other important matters such as booking more guests and solving small issues here and there.

The success of the implementation relied heavily on the budget and professional skills. I am a certified front desk manager and am highly qualified for the task since I work with guests on a daily basis and I notice the problems that are present. Using the skills I have, I would be able to implement a change that would benefit LTD in various positive ways. The budget for the implementation would be $12,000. Lastly, various tasks have to take place such as setting up meetings, reviewing the changes, making decisions, performing trials, getting input from different parties and much more to ensure the implementation works as it should


.To solve the problem and resolve the issue, I am proposing that these tasks be completed:

Task 1: Setting up a meeting with all managers and supervisors

Task 2: Going through a week trial of live wakeup call versus automatic wakeup calls

Task 3: Reviewing, comparing, and recording the results using different means

Task 4: Making the final decision

In the following section the details and procedures for each of the tasks is discussed.

Task 1: Setting up a meeting with all managers and supervisors

A meeting would ensure the key issues are discussed in details and the propositions in place are well deliberated. Additionally, the management understands the root cause of the problems and would be ideal in pinpointing the exact causes of the rising complaints. The supervisors being in charge of the front desk agents would offer adequate details on the fears of the agents and what they undergo in the daily work routine. According to research, it is evident that before any solutions to a problem are implanted, there is a need to understand the problem. Understanding a problem shed light to the root cause and gives one the ability to implement various strategies geared towards eradicating the causes hence solving the problem. The management understands the company policies hence are in a position to offer guidance in the implementation of the novel strategies without going against the codes of the business and the jurisdictions of operation.

As a professional front desk manager, I have the knowledge of how the entire business operates hence in a better position to offer various solutions in line with the profession. The need for the meeting ensures all parties are aware of the impending implementations hence will make the process easier and faster. Moreover, the issue of the budget will be discussed in detail eradicating cases of money laundering or over budgeting. If the process is underfunded it will not offer the best solutions to the problems and cases of customer complaints will not reduce, there will be a likelihood of the implementation failing or the business loosing the invested capital. In the meeting, the crucial details are discussed in detail and if all parties agree, the approval is given to continue with the implementation.

Task 2: Going through a week trial of live wakeup call versus automatic wakeup calls

After the approval is given, I will implement the automated wakeup call system for a week. The reason for the one week implementation is to measure the benefits it has on the business. However, as research demands, there are no results unless one compares one thing to another to obtain results. I will also implement the current system for a week and compare the two systems. The live wakeup call requires agents to perform the tasks such as calling the guest and if he fails to respond after the second call, the agents send someone to knock at the doors of the guests (Emdad, 2012). On the other hand, the automated system required the guest or an agent to enter the details and customize the wakeup call. The presence of customization makes it better for the guests as they are able to enter or specify how the wakeup call should be in the morning (Michels, 2009).

Guests have the options to set a puzzle, mathematical equation, song, special message and much more. Making the system automatic eradicates the need for agents to send someone to knock at the doors of the guests. Additionally, the guests have no complaints to make when they fail to wake up on time or miss their schedules such as flights, meetings, dates, conferences, and much more. The one week trials will take place under close supervision to ensure data is captures for comparison and review after the one week trial for each of the two sy...

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