Here goes the list of health and medicine essay topics that students might want to use for their papers. In fact, coming up with health essay topics worth paying attention to is not difficult at all. All you’ve got to do to find great nuclear medicine research paper ideas and other themes is to look around and check the recent news. There will probably be more than enough insights for you to choose from.
Medical Argumentative Essay Topics
Let’s start our list with argumentative essay topics about fields of medicine and other issues connected with the field. Below, you will also find some nursing argumentative essay topics and research paper concepts. All total, we’ve got more than 150 medicine topics for you to review.
- Health conditions should not be the only cause for surrogate pregnancy
- It is essential to turn child vaccination into an obligation worldwide
- It is not healthy to use cosmetic surgery services
- Products requiring people to risk their health have to be banned by governments
- Exercising is not always useful for one’s health
- The use of birth control medicines puts the reproductive system at permanent damage risk
- Fast-food supplies all over the world should be regulated by local governments
- Medicine and ethics: should people who are careless about their health get a denial for organ transplantation when it becomes necessary?
- Technology and medicine: can the use of electronics increase cancer probability for a person?
- Vegetarian dieting allows people to live longer
- A gay couple’s medical dangers discussed
- Are high school mental health clinics actually helpful for students?
- A smartphone is a threat to one’s health
- The health care decisions of patients are under political corruption’s effect in Europe
- Water as harm: there can be too much water in the organism
- Health risks of circumcision for women
- Should a patient look for medical assistance beyond their country’s borders?
- Most medicines are extremely overpriced
- Daily tips to keep up with if you want to see doctors rarer
- High school alcohol restriction: is it possible to ban alcoholic drinks for students entirely?
Persuasive Essay Topics about Medicine
See 20 more themes to use if you need to come up with persuasive paper writing. All of them touch on some relevant problems or interesting cases. Here we go:
- Cancer does not have its special symptoms
- The overuse of chemical drugs makes people addicted through controlling their minds
- A woman’s age matters when it comes to giving birth
- ADHD people are at a higher risk for themselves
- The most effective solution to save car crash victims is an ambulance helicopter
- Weight loss can’t be fixed by the Atkins diet quickly
- Asparagus syndrome and autism treatment effectiveness will increase with the use of clinical psychology
- Spinal disk troubles are the main causes of back pain
- One should not motivate their cosmetic surgery sessions only with beauty purposes
- The fact that you brush teeth regularly does not mean you don’t need dental care
- Smartphones are radioactive and dangerous
- Organ transplantation lists have to prioritize children
- Excessive alcohol use has psychological treatment options
- Medical care should be financed by the government entirely
- Can clinical psychology help patients with dyslexia effectively?
- Biotech development is the future of health care
- Are there ethical problems in the use of biotechnology for healthcare?
- People who got rid of drug addiction will stay at risk of relapse for the rest of their lives
- Price does not define the effectiveness of medicines
- Paid medical care is not always better than free
Medical Topics for a Research Paper
Writing about healthcare research paper topics will surely require a bit more effort from you. However, those are pretty like essays in terms of structure and topic requirements. Still, make sure the theme you choose allows conducting a study deep enough to craft a full-scale research paper.
Veterinary Medicine Research Paper Topics
- Modern pet choosing trends: tigers, zebras, large lizards, and more
- Rural areas and vet care availability: problems, causes, and suggestions
- Estimating the quality of vet care in the US
- What is the veterinary service availability in your country?
- Reasons for keepers to stay cautious before Ebola
- Main pet behavior troubles and ways to solve them
- Keepers and animals: misuse of punishment
- The problems of keepers’ misunderstanding of cats’ behavior
- Pet chipping: does it solve troubles?
- Pet itching reasons and solutions
- Fear of thunder: how to help a pet overcome it
- Main causes of arthritis for dogs
- Hen egg-laying: how the place around hens affects frequency and quality of eggs
- Dog and cat medicine: key differences
- Varieties between cat and dog diets
- How animal medicines differ from human ones
- Veterinary care quality: how it depends on the competence of a keeper
- Prices of veterinary care: are the services overpriced?
- Ways to lower the costs of vet medicare
- Top 3 popular medical solutions for animals in the world
- Most questionable practice of vets in 2021
- Domestic cat dieting: how much it depends on a breed
- Unintentional violence: how incompetent pet owners hurt their animals
- Animal care in poor countries: how to help governments improve vet service quality
- Universal recommendations for pet keepers to improve and maintain their pets’ health
Sports Medicine Research Paper Topics
- Sports and its practicing for people suffering from cardiovascular troubles
- How the functioning of neutrophils depends on sports exercising
- Caffeine: how it affects the performance of athletes
- Adolescents and professional sports: how high physical load impacts teenagers’ bodies
- Ayurveda drug use for sports medicine purposes: is that effective?
- Olympic games death cases: investigation, reasons, and lessons to take
- How are heart rate assessment methods different?
- The influence of overweight and lack of physical activities on human organisms
- How yoga fitness affects the female physical health during menopause
- High-level athletes: breathing specialties and main respiratory malfunctions
- Sports mouthguard protection solutions: pathologies and dental issues they may cause
- Sports trauma mechanisms, localizations, and types classified among professional female soccer players
- Vertebral-spinal traumas of professional athletes and rehabilitation solutions for those issues with confirmed effectiveness
- Volleyball trauma statistics and neutralization ways
- Complex approach to keep the best body shape: Cristiano Ronaldo’s case study
- Brain injuries among professional boxers and MMA fighters
- Bodybuilding: main health issues and risks for professionals
- Most dangerous sports injuries for teenage basketball players
- The impact of age on trauma recovery for professional athletes
- Lessons to take from Christian Eriksen’s heart attack case during the Euro-2020 Championship
Nursing Research Paper Topics
Coming up with essay topics for college nursing is among the most frequent troubles that students face. So, here are more than 40 concepts for you to check and choose from:
- Reasons for ADHD and effective treatment methods for it
- Autism and vaccination
- Preschoolers and antibiotics: how to solve resistance issues in heavy cases
- How social media affect dieting habits and eating disorders
- Infant seizure causes
- Teenage depression: underestimated trouble and treatment ways
- Features of medical care and nursing while working with adolescents
- How to stabilize the mental health of nurses working with terminally ill patients
- Healthy dieting practices and how to teach overweight children to keep up with them
- Ethics of pediatric work
- Ways to deal with speech disorders among preschoolers
- Child medical care: key moments of child psychology
- Non-chemical practices for bipolar disorders
- Anxiety: an underestimated disorder of the modern world
- Special safety measures when working with covid-19 infected patients
- Nursing solutions: measures to take to counter future virus pandemics
- Covid-19 pandemic lessons for nurses
- The process of imaging of CVS
- Migraine patient case study
- Adult nursing: persuasive approaches to use for medically incompetent patients
- Psychiatric care for adult persons: features and approaches
- Weight management solutions: which are effective?
- Main principles of weight loss
- Sports medicine: aspects of caring for professional athletes
- Personal qualities of a good nurse: how to be an expert
- Overcoming the fear of failure: ways for nurses to learn how to make important decisions quickly
- Psychological care for terminally ill patients: approaches and techniques of moral support
- Nursing in the US: is the profession financially underrated?
- What makes students choose nursing as a major
- Main challenges of being a nurse
- Patient aggression: how to stay safe but still do a nurse’s job
- Pain management for children: most effective practices
- Expert nursing approaches towards pain management for patients with cancer
- Moral distress problems of nurses
- Pregnancy and overweight: safety rules
- Main healthcare threats in 2021
- How to popularize a healthy lifestyle among patients and citizens
- Health education classes: will it be an effective solution to improve people’s biological competence?
- Innovations of cardiology
- Next-generation nursing methods about to become common
- How cultural features of local societies affect women’s health
- Causes of vaginal atrophy and how to treat them
- Men in healthcare: does modern society need more male nurses?
- Diet and foodservice nurses: required competence
- How to solve gender inequality problems among nursing professionals
20 More General Ideas on Healthcare Essays and Research Papers
Finally, the list contains topics that will suit any type of paper in the field of medicine. Still, make sure you have enough interest in the chosen theme and find reference sources of decent quality.
- Anti-vaxxers: ethic problems of ideology
- How to popularize healthcare professions among youth
- Paramedics: physical and moral difficulties of work
- Alternative medicine: should governments prohibit practices unaccepted by official science?
- The comparison of Covid-19 vaccines
- The greatest achievements of neural surgery
- Unsolved problems of psychology
- Forced psychiatry should be applied more commonly
- Public danger and personal freedom: problems of vaccination in 2021 and beyond
- Covid-19 lessons: should global vaccination be mandatory?
- Pandemics compared: did common information access reduce the scale of problems?
- Panicking patients: effective ways to calm people down in emergencies
- First aid rules
- Army medics: aspects of the fieldwork
- Tactical medicine: a real concept or a marketing brand?
- Critical first aid knowledge: what everyone should know
- Medicine and law: main inconveniences and ways to solve them
- Medieval plague pandemic: could it be avoided?
- Penicillin: the critical importance of sir Alexander Fleming’s invention
- Antibiotic resistance: a growing threat
- How to solve the US opioid crisis